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Raven walked into school on Monday quiet as a mouse.

After that night at Gar's she hadn't spoken much more than short phrases and singular words to anyone. And she refused to speak to Gar. Not that she wouldn't be around him, which she was. She reacted to things he was saying to her when Rita and Steve made them breakfast on Sunday morning, so she wasn't ignoring him. She just downright refused to give him the grace of her beautiful voice.

It was hard to tell how she was feeling about Gar at the moment. She seemed angry because she was giving him the silent treatment, but she didn't act angry at all with him when she reacted to him.

She walked into school and her patience and resolve was instantly being tested. They thought she couldn't hear them whispering, but they suck at whispering.

"Did you hear about her?"

"Hear what?"

"She's dating Garfield Logan."

"The video game star?? Woah."

"I know right?! Everyone was shipping them together!"

Raven had to use every bit of her restraint to not yell at them.

She continued on to class desperately trying to ignore the people around her. That is, until she noticed a certain someone.

Low and behold, Gar was going through the same issue. And go figure they were coming from opposite directions. They made eye contact and stopped in the middle of the hall.

Gar looked down at the bandage on Raven's forearm. It was clear he was a little sad, but Raven seemed indifferent.

That was another thing, she refused to smile. She wouldn't even laugh at jokes. Which saddened Gar a lot. Did he make her act like this? Or was she doing this on her own on purpose?

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." She replied quietly.

"How's your arm?"


"I guess you're still not talking." She shakes her head. "When are you gonna start talking again?"

"Just wait." She replies. Then walks to her next class. Gar groaned. This was agony on top of agony. He was already feeling crappy from Saturday, but now this was just insult to injury.

He went to English looking sad.

Raven went to World Studies practically dead silent.

They both heard the whispers during class. They weren't deaf.

Raven doodled and Gar was on his phone. They were wrapping up the marking period this week and Prom marked the end of academic classes. And the next week was for studying for finals. But Gar didn't really have to take them because he came so late in the year. He just made it before the deadline however to still graduate into the next grade. So he'd be a senior next year regardless. Somehow the teacher didn't notice him playing mobile games in the back of the class.

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now