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Again and Again

'Black hair, almost always braided... Those weird natural purple eyes... Perfect pale skin... Blue dress and bracelets...'



As soon as he touches her she disappears into smoke. Just out of his grasp once again...

"Raven!" He looks around frantically, realizing he's only in his room in Washington State. Far away from the subject of his dream. He sighs. "That same dream again..." Why is this happening again?  I haven't even seen her in 6 years. She probably doesn't even look like that anymore.



'Can you promise me something? Someday we'll see each other again and nothing will change between us.'

'I promise.'"  The conversation runs through his head again for the first time in years.

Wow, I still remember that?

"Jeez what is wrong with me? We're never going to have enough money to go back to California anyway." He looks around his room.

His green walls are covered in posters of bands and different video games. His room isn't particularly clean, as he's got piles of clothes sitting in the corner and pouring out of his dresser.

His dresser only has a bunch of trophies on it. Well, trophies and a necklace. All the trophies were for video game competitions, of which he is really popular for participating in, as well as his streams. He's known as The Beast online.

He's got two windows in the room, one of which his bed is next to, and the other, his desk is in front of. His desk has a bunch of his school papers on it. Unfinished. Luckily today is Saturday. He also has a computer desk in another corner of the room. His headphones hanging on the hook on the wall, collecting dust from all the unused days. It's the longest he's ever taken off.

Finally his nightstand, which only has a lamp, his 3DS, and an old framed photo.

Due to the house being small, his room is in the attic. He doesn't mind at all though. He actually likes it. He can see a lot from his window.

He grabs his phone and there are just a bunch of notifications. Mostly of private messages from his video game accounts and text messages.

Message from Mikeygamez
Yo Beast where are you??

Battles of Blackstar
Message from fucucheaters1
Man did you like quit or something?

Message from the_only_girl_online
Why have you stopped playing?!

Text Message from K
Hey Gar are you ok? You seemed down yesterday.

Text Message from Roy
You didn't come to lunch yesterday. Whats up

Text Message from Gar
Still feeling crappy?

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now