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My Dream

A/n: the man singing is Gar and the woman singing is Raven


My eyes pop open and I'm on my knees in a super hero-style pose. What's happening? This place is so...empty. It's just a black space. Why am I getting the feeling that I should run?

I hear footsteps coming from behind me. Yep time to run!! My feet start moving and I bolt. I'm not sure who or what it is but I don't care.

Wait, I'm still in my PJ's?

"Raaaveen...don't run away from me..." Says the person behind me.

No way...That can't be Jackson...can it? Why is he chasing me? I turn around to look and...it is... This is...this doesn't...this doesn't make any sense!

He's...in old clothes. Only an old white shirt, ripped up jeans, and his socks. His hair's a mess too. That look on his face...it's terrifying...

I get a chill up my spine and keep going. How long am I supposed to go? When will he let me go? This is insane...

"Raven!" He calls out to me again. "You can't ever run away from me you know. I'll always be a few steps behind you..." I feel him grab at my baggy pajama pants to prove his point and I almost jump out of my skin and trip. Thank God I kept my footing.

I don't...what do I...should I stop? Should I keep running? Should I answer back to him? Nothing is making any sense!! Someone help me please...I can't keep doing this...

I feel my energy drain from my body as I try to continue, his footsteps only becoming closer and more violent as he catches up with me.

Is that a light? I'm...not so sure if that's a good thing actually. I guess I have no choice. I muster up the last remaining bit of energy I have and try to make it to the light. Only to be stopped by what the light is illuminating. It's a giant, seemingly endless pool of cloudy, calm water.

It's dark, and the lights only light up the top of the water because it's so cloudy. Though it doesn't look like there's a bottom to it one way or the other... Evetything about it is just so many levels of unsettling.

Woah!! A giant push of wind almost pushes me straight into the water.

He's right behind me, not even an inch between us. I can feel it. I'm so very close to leaning right up on him. I freeze, from what exactly I'm not sure. My heart jumps to a new level of fast heartbeats and my breaths shorter up. I bite my lip waiting for him to do something, but he does nothing. He's...just standing there... I can feel his heavy breath on the back of my neck...  This is so unnerving.

"Raven." His voice is raspy, like he's been yelling into a mic for hours. Paralyzed with the uncertainty of what I'll see if I do turn around, I don't reply. "Raven!" I wince. He begins to yell and it makes me even more anxious. "RAVEN." He grabs my shoulders and whips me around. Now I've got a good look at his face. And...I...how do I process this...?

His eyes are faded and pale, devoid of all life, it almost looks like he's blind.  He grips my shoulders so tightly, like...like he needs me to balance himself. But the most shocking part is that there's thing giant bullet hole in his head. The fatal shot that killed him...is still there... The dried blood streams go over and around his nose  and down to his lips.

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