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Take a Guess

"Thanks for taking me home. I'll drive next time."

"It's alright Gar. See you at school on Monday!" Karen calls out the window. Gar gives her a peace sign and goes up the stairs. He looks out the window as she pulls out of the sloped driveway.

"Gar? That you?" A voice calls from upstairs.

"Yeah, Steve. It's me." He replies.

"Rita! He's back!" Gar makes his way upstairs and Rita soon greets him with a giant hug out of nowhere.

"Gah! Rita! What the hell?"

"Sorry, Gar." She says with a smile

"Why are you so happy?" He asks.

"Why aren't you?" She answers him with a question.

"You know why, Rita."

She looks at Steve surprised.

"You didn't tell him?" 

Steve returns her surprised gaze. "No. I thought you wanted to."

"Tell me what?" Gar raises an eyebrow.

"We'll tell you at dinner." She nonchalantly walks away with a grin on her face. Gar looks back at Steve, who's also grinning.

"Hey!" He grabs her by the shoulder before she leaves the room. "You can't just leave me hanging like that! What is it??" He asks eagerly.

"You sound like a 5-year-old! Haha! You have to wait until dinner." And with that, she walks away again. Steve is nowhere to be found.

"Grrrr." He starts grumbling to himself. He turns on the TV and sits on the couch. I wonder what it would be? Maybe a new video game or something? What if they finally got me an X-Box?! Eh...Probably not. Steve hates my games. 

He absentmindedly watches the TV. "Could they have...? No. Who am I kidding? We'd never get that lucky." Now, instead of absentmindedly watching TV, he absentmindedly starts flipping through channels.

After a few hours of listening to Rita and Steve talk in the kitchen, he finally gets up and goes upstairs to his room.

Within a few minutes, he is fully immersed in the world of Battles, which is the nickname for Battles of Blackstar, one of his favorite games. He catches up with people on his team, making sure he's still the captain and apologizing for being away from his computer for so long.

The world and atmosphere of the game encapsulate him, the surround sound of his headphones and the extraordinary graphics only making it easier to get sucked in. 

"Ha! Die! Haha! It's like riding a bike dude! You never forget!"

"Once the Beast always the Beast. Crap, to your right!"

The more he plays, the more he forgets his homesickness. Even if it is for just a few hours, time isn't ever really a thing when he plays games.

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now