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First Impressions

"You're Garfield right? Just sit right there behind Victor. Vic please–" Started Mrs. Schultz. She was a slightly large woman, but the style of her chesnut brown hair and her starture made her come off very warm and nice.

"It's ok. I know who Vic is." Vic had a wide grin on his face. And Terra, who was sitting right in front of him in the second row, was smiling too.

Victor Stone was a big guy, built from his days on the football team, as he had always dreamed. He was also a tech whiz, being known to be able to fix and program anything. His parents being scientists helped with this a lot. He had shaved his black hair down really short and he was wearing his varsity jacket.

Terra Markov on the other hand, Gar didn't know what to make of her. She was smiling at him which he wasn't sure was good or bad, but she didn't look half bad. Her long blonde hair was no suprise to him, and neither did her blue eyes that mimicked his. People would always say they looked like brother and sister.

She was wearing a simple outfit. A black and grey crop top with a light grey shirt underneath with some jean shorts and brown combat boots. She also wore a silver butterfly pin in her hair.

Gar took off his leather jacket as people continued to stare at him.

"Nice to have you back bro." Vic said calmy.

"Nice to be back dude." He replied in a whisper.

"When did you get back?"

"Yesterday actually."

"Wow you should've at least waited a day or two. Mondays are always a crappy day." Gar laughs. "So you seen Raven yet? She hasn't stopped bringing you up lately." He continued as Mrs. Schultz began her lesson.

"Really? I haven't even been here in years. Let alone talked to her."

"We didn't forget about you. Nobody who was close to you really did. You're just famous now."

"Well, I'm not famous like that. People just like to see me playing games during competitions,"

"It's more than that and you know it." He remembered what Domino said to him after he said the same thing yesterday.

"But I guess it's kinda more than that huh?" Vic nods.

"But you're still our clumsy vegetarian idiot." Vic says with a sly grin. Gar shakes his head with a smile on his face, then bringing his attention to the class.

"Study the vocabulary." She told the class. "Garfield, I have to get you a book don't I? Hmm. Anyway just study those for the next half hour, then I'll introduce you to our new unit." After a bit, she found the book and gave it to him. It was a bright orange book that said 'Vocabulary for Juniors' on the front cover, with level C in the top right-hand corner. "We're doing unit 12 now. Vic can explain how we do things here." And with that the students were left to do whatever while Mrs. Schultz sat and did who knows what on her laptop. Everyone starts breaking off into their own groups. Some begin talking about the vocab and being productive, and some just begin talking.

"I'm not explaining shit to you." Vic whispers. "It's so easy a 3rd grader could understand how we do things in this class. I don't understand how this class is for Juniors." Gar flips though the pages and looks at the words for this unit.

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