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Prom Night: Part 1

"Mom! Ouch!!" Raven winced as Arella fixed up her hair with the curling iron.

"Sorry Raven! Just a few more parts and I'll be done. Just hold still!"

"Mom he is literally coming in 10 minutes! And I still have to get the damn dress on!"

"Ok ok! Stop rushing me!" With some rushed curls and frantic flailing, Arella found the finishing touch, the diamond encrusted clip, and clipped up her hair. "Ok there."

"What's that?"

"It's the clip I wore to my highschool Prom."

"Then don't have me wear it."

"Ugh Raven that's the point. Take a look." She turns Raven to look in the mirror. "Makes you look a lot better doesn't it?"

"...yeah...it actually does..." Raven stares at herself. "Thanks Mom..."

Is...is this even me? It hardly looks like me... she blinks a few times.

"Yes Raven that's you." Arella could tell what her speechlessness meant. "Now go and change!"

"Oh right!" Raven dashed from the bathroom and slipped into the dress. And she actually enjoyed the way it felt. "Never thought I'd like wearing a dress."

She went to find her shoes...and they weren't where she left them.

"Where'd they go?" She looked around. "Where are they??" She looked under the bed, in the drawers, everywhere except the closet. And of course, Lucy was sitting there with her little mischievous paw on the black peep-toe heels. "How did you even move them? They're like 3/4ths of your whole body." She grabbed the shoes, slipped them on, then grabbed the cat and placed her on the bed. "Now don't mess with my stuff while I'm gone. Kay?" The cat licked her paw then rubbed behind her ear. "Good enough."

Raven grabbed up her clutch and tucked her phone inside, along with her credit card, keys, and cash. She sat downstairs and waited for Gar to tell her he was there.

"Did you pack extra makeup Raven?"


"At least bring extra lipstick!"

"Fiinne." Raven went back upstairs and grabbed the lipstick off the counter in the bathroom. She got one last good look at herself in the mirror. That is, until her mom called up and asked her for the camera. Raven begrudgingly went to get it, knowing exactly what was going to happen next.

And go figure, Gar texted her right then too.

She went down the stairs (again) and made sure she had everything.

"Gar's here. I'm going out." She says as she hands her the camera.

"Oh perfect! We can take the photos outside!"

"Ugh...mom can we not? There's still next year. Wouldn't you want photos of my senior year instead?"

"But it's your first Prom! And you're going with Gar!"

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now