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Shopping Sucks

Gar and Raven got to the school at almost the same time. Arella dropped her off the same time he had walked up to the entrance from his car. Nothing had really changed between them when it came to the dynamic they had in public. She said hi, then punched him lightly on the arm after he called her beautiful with an added wink for added flare. Nothing had really changed, except for the subtle but obvious PDA: holding hands.

They walked side by side into school at the gazing pleasure of their fellow classmates. And gaze they did. They murmured and whispered too.

"Wait they're holding hands???"

"Raven wasn't lying!!"

"OMGEEEE they're so cute!! I ship it so much!!"

Then there were the girls who were crushing on Gar,

"Why the hell would he chose to date her?"

"I know right? She's nothing but trouble."

"The Beast...senpai...nuuuu..."

And then there were the guys were were crushing on Raven,

"He thinks he can date her just 'cuz he's famous."

"Yeah. I bet he doesn't know a thing about her."

"Adam's gonna kill him."

"But...she was supposed to be my wife..."

Contrary to what everyone thought about Adam, he wasn't going to kill either one of them. Nobody knew about what happened yesterday after school, just like nobody realized that Gar had his hand bandaged up. The two were headed straight to the guidance office and were completely ignoring the bell.

"Good morning." The receptionist that Raven couldn't for the life of her remember the name of said when they walked in.

"Is Mrs. Lara here?" She asked.

"Yes. She just got in."

"Thank you."

"You have Mrs. Lara too?" Gar asks.


They headed for Mrs. Lara's office and she was sitting in there working on her computer.

"Mrs. Lara?" Gar called after he knocked.

"Oh hello Gar. Hi Raven. What brings you here this early in the morning?"

"It's Adam again." She replies.

"Oh no what happened this time?"

Raven and Gar looked at eachother trying to find an answer in eachother's faces. And what they came up with was, "It's a long story."

They were in guidance until about third period. Adam had been called to the main office, but didn't come out until they did. And he didn't come out alone either. The police that patrolled the school ever so often were escorting him out. He didn't speak to them and Raven completely ignored him. But Gar on the other hand,

A Child's Promise (BBRae AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now