Chapter Two

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(Sakura's POV)

As time went by, fate kept Sasuke and I closer and closer (I think). I was part of Team 7-where Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun are. Day after day, training after training. Though we might start late, because of Kakashi's 'lost in the forest' habit, we've gotten stronger and stronger. But it all changed one afternoon. I saw Sasuke act a bit strange. That night, I saw him carry his bag and head towards the gate of the city. Sasuke has been mentioning the Akatsuke lately but I wanted to know the truth. "Sasuke-kun? Where are you going?" I held my breath and waited for the answer. Nothing. "To the Akatsuke, am I right?" "I'm just going to train... Sakura-chan" he replied. The first time he mentioned my name. "Don't, please"I started mumbling. Once an Akatsuke, there's a zero chance that you'll stop being one. "Then, promise me something" I stopped him in his tracks. "Promise me... Promise me you'll come back for me, Sasuke-kun!" I yelled, feeling tears fall from my eyes. "Hn. Why would I?" he turned around and smirked. "B-be-because I love you.." I stuttered, hanging my head. I couldn't help it. I loved him too much to let him go. "Then, I will. And take this as a seal mark" he stopped infront of me and held up my head. Then, he lightly kissed my forehead.


I woke up and I found myself in the hospital. "Sakura? Can you hear me Sakura?" a familiar voice ringed inside ny head. Then someone shook me, causing me to blink a few times before finally regaining my eyesight. It was blurry though, and the only thing I could see was a diamond thing on the forehead of the person in front of me. "T-tsunade-sama?" I squinted. "Are you okay, Sakura?" this time, I could see her perfectly. "W-what happend?" "We found you knocked out on a bench near the gate, two nights ago. You never woke up until now" she smiled and called for my parents who were waiting outside. "Tsunade-sama... what about Sasuke-kun? Did you stop him?" I figured that maybe they did. She shook her head. "He's been missing too. Do you know where he is?" I bit my lower lip. "He said he wanted to train. Alone" I replied, trying not to mention the A word. "I knew it. Sooner or later he would join the Akatsuke" I raised my head up in surprise. Sasuke-kun already had a plan to join the Akatsuke? At that very moment, the door flew open and out came my worried mother in her usual dress. "Sakura! We were so worried about you!" she ran up to me and hugged my tightly. It was the first time in years I've seen her act all crazy because of me. Usually it was all about Saki. "Mom, dad. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I cried onto her shoulder. "Why are you crying my dear?" my dad wiped the tears from my face. Later that day, my parents went out to buy some groceries at the market, leaving me alone in the hospital. Thoughts were flushing all around my head.

Why does Sasuke-kun want from the Akatsuke?

Why am I so stupid? I made my parents worried about me!

Just then, Shizune opened the door, holding a book with her. "How are you feeling, Sakura-chan?" she asked. "I'm fine. I was just wondering why Sasuke-kun wanted to join the Akatsuki" I admitted. She sat right next to me and opened the book she was carrying. Apparently, it was a record book. "You see Sakura, Sasuke had an older brother named Itachi. Both of them were Uchiha Fugaku's sons. Itachi was Fagaku's favourite and he was well respected by his clan mates. Sasuke was always jolly and he was very close with Itachi. But something tragic happend" she paused for a moment and paged through the book. "Uchiha Clan Massacre?!" I read out loud. "Yes. And it was Itachi who did it" I couldn't believe it! A person well respected by his clan? A murderer? "Only Sasuke was spared. Itachi then joined the Akatsuke, making it stronger and much more undefeatable" Shizune closed the book and stood up and lowered her voice. "It's about time you knew. Anyway, you can be dischared tonight" she smiled and exited the hospital room.

Uchi Naru: Wow, so that's why Sasuke-kun's so silent. What a past of his.

Sakura: Yeah. And now, he's seeking revenge.


Hey, guys! Sorry I updated too long. I had to update our PC and ma bro is hogging the computer. Anyways,

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