Chapter Eleven

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(Sasuke's POV)

After I ate Sakura's soup, I decided to take a little swim at the lake near ur base. I was going to take my clothes off until I heard someone hum a melody. It sounded familiar because I've heard someone who sang it just before I left Konoha. I took a few steps closer and saw a figure of a woman playing in the water. I walked in closer until I saw the figure starting to develop. It was foggy that afternoon and my vision was a lot blurry than usual.

Pink hair

Haruno. Crud, if she ever finds out, she'll see me as a perv. Damn it. But I must say, she looked a bit skinny than before. Then the odds betrayed me. "Huh?" she turned around and faced me. "Sasuke-kun?!" she turned around and I swear, I was NOT peeping!  I quickly trned around and decided to walk away without leaving a word. God, that was embarrasing. "Sasuke-kuuuuuunnnn!!!!!! Where have you beeeeennnnnn???!!!" Karin yelled/squealed at the sight of me. 

(Sakura's POV)

I turned around as he did the same. Well, that was awkward. As soon as he was gone, I decided to leave. I didn't want to be caught in Akatuski business too. After getting dressed, I hummed the tune of "Sakura, Sakura" a bit. As I went back to their base, Sui was playing with a stick and trying to roast it in the fire. "Sa-sa-sakura-chan..I've know wanted to tell you, well, I think I like you. As a tiny crush. I mean-" I put a finger to his mouth and hushed the poor thing. "I like you too, Sui-kun. But I don't really know you that much yet so.." I smiled at him and he scratched the back of his head. Cute. "I get it. Thanks" he pulled me into a bear hug. At first I resisted but gave in anyway. It doesn't mean anything right? That night, I decided to become an Akatsuki. It was a great big step to pursuade Sasuke to go back to Konoha and finally help end this war. 

The next morning, I prepared breakfast for Team Taka. The first one to wake up was Jugo so I decided to break the news to him. Except the bring-back-Sasuke-to-Konoha part. "Really? That's great! We're now a complete team!" he pumped his fists in the air. "But Sakura-chan, do you really know how to control anger issues?" he turned all serious. I nodded. "Then help me"


"Then promise me, Sasuke-kun..."

She was tearing up now.

"Promise me.."

Maybe leaving was a bad choice but I had to avenge the Uchiha clan and defeat Itachi..

"Promise me that you'll come back for me!!"


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