Chapter Four

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(Sakura's POV)

As I walked closer, something jumped out of the bush. "Hello there my furry friend" even though I fell backwards, I still greeted the squirrel with a little smile. Later that day, my mom told me to buy some groceries at the market. "Geez, mom. Why can't you do it?" I took her three meter long list and headed to the market. It was a really crowded place so I git lost on the way to buy vegetables. "Need some help?" a man asked from behind. I looked around and saw a blue haired shinobi. "Yeah. Do you know where the vegetable stalls are?" I asked. He had something that made me feel at ease. "Yeah. C'mon" I followed him through the crowd but we went in the other direction. "Here we are!" I was in awe because I never knew there was a short-cut to this place. "Wow, just.. wow. Thanks by the way. I'm Haruno Sakura" I held out my hand and he shook it. "Hōzuki Suigetsu. Are you free after you shop?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I'd like to invite at this new tea shop that just opened yesterday"

"Sure, Suigetsu-san. Let's meet here in thirty minutes" I waved and turned on my heel. After buying the vegetables, I headed down the alley to meet Suigetsu. He was a tad weird because he had purple eyes and shark-like teeth. "Sorry I'm late. I got into an argument with the stall owner about the over pricing of his goods" he smiled as he scratched the back of his head. As reached the tea shop, it looked really decent and a lot elegant than other tea shops I've been to. We sat down near the window and talked about random stuff. "Sakura-chan, do you know anyone named Uchiha Sasuke?" as he brought up the question, I almost spat my tea at him. I sighed and then answered his question. "Yeah, we were team mates before. Why do you ask?" nobody brought Sasuke in a conversation up before. I don't know why but I felt as if he knew Sasuke too. "Oh. Just nothing" After chatting some more, I remembered that I was expected at home before dinner. "I'll see ya tomorrow, Pinky" he called after me. "Sure, shark boy" I waved and headed back home.

Uchi Naru: Sui is cute! Ya like 'em don't you?

Sakura: Shut up.

As I arrived back home, my mom was already waiting for me. "Sorry, mom. I got lost in the vegetable stalls" I explained. "Hurry up and help your mother cook dinner" she hushed me and as I helped cook dinner, I couldn't help but go over what happend that afternoon.


Yolo, guys! Lemme inform ya'll that starting June 5, I'll be updating every Friday and/or Saturday. School ya know. So vote, comment and drop by my profile and leave a message for my next chappie cuz I got no inspiration of any sorts. In short, WRITER'S BLOCK!

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