Chapter Twenty Six

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(Sakura's POV)

"Sakura, this is Nala. Nala, Sakura, the second pinkette and the holder of the modern Nichi. Or your other half," I took a step back as I saw the beautiful creature. It was an amazing white wolf that look as regal as Hamida did. And it's fur was as white as the winter snow, glowing with pride and poise. "Hold on, Hamida. That's no beast!" I sat down to match the same level as the wolf as I began to stroke its head. "I know, Sakura-chan. I know," 

Now that's what's shocking.

"Then why do you call this precious being a 'beast'? A majestic creature like this has no right to be called a beast because it can't harm no-one!" I yelled as the wolf went ou to drink at the near-by.  "Sakura, before I met Yuzama, I didn't have friends and I only had bullies. They'd injure me physically and emotionally but what hurt the most was their words," I sat down back again as I listened to this sad girl's story. "One snow day, I went out to play in the snow, obviously. Then out came my mortal enemy. She pulled my hair and taunted me a lot then when she finally released my head, it landed on one of the small rocks, causing me to pass out. Then when I woke up, it was nighttime and Nala was beside me. I went home with her but nobody believed me because they said that white wolves weren't in that side of the country. "

"Now I don't remember how Nala became a part of me. And now you tell your tale," I chuckled as I began to tell her everything I've been through. From genin up to now. "My, my, my! Looks like I'm not the only one!" she exclaimed. "Sakura, I think it's time I taught you the secrets in controlling or befriending your own Nichi. Now stand up!" Chiyo nodded as she patted me on the back. "You can do it, Sakura. I know you can,"

"Now, chakra release!" I did it one more time and this time, it worked. A shadow of black swirled around me and when it stopped, a black wolf whose fur was as dark as the night sky was beside me. Nala came rushing towards my wolf and began to judge it up and down. "Sakura, I think I'm wrong... Your heart is the dark one..."

Hello my fellow ship-mates!! I'm here to announce that I have changed the name of the game. It rhymes, yah? So it will be called, My_Name. Yes, with a underscore on it. The prize will be a dedication of a chapter that you will write. Yes, you. Since nobody messaged yet, I'll give a hint..


Anywho, I'll be putting a picture later and if you already saw it while reading this then I already did. I'm writing this in my phone because le annoying orange is on the computer. Ugh, siblings. So Sakura's heart is a heart of pure evil, why?! Even I'm confused why. But I already know. So here's a sneak peek of what my own Uchi Naru says.

"W-W-What? I-I-I'm evil?" Sakura stuttered as she held her own wolf, backing off a bit. "I-I'm not sure but, the color and the eyes... they resemble the dark side...

Thank you, Uchi. Vote, comment, rate, follow and add to your library! Thank you so much!!


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