Chapter Twenty Five

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(Sakura's POV)

It was getting late. Guess I should be heading back to the Uchiha Hideout. I sighed and walked towards the hideout, leaves crunching beneath my shoes. "Sakura?" another familiar voice caught my attention, causing me to stop in my tracks. As I spun around, I saw the person whom I missed ever so dearly. "C-Chiyo?" I stuttered as I saw her as vibrant and happy like before. "Hello, Sakura," she smiled warmly. Oh how I missed her smile! "How-What- I don't-" I cut off when another old-school version of me stepped out from behind her. It seemed as if I was looking directly at a mirror. "Sakura, this is Haruno Hamida. The first pinkette in the Haruno blood line," I was taken aback when she said that. I wasn't alone. So that explains why we look a lot like each other. "Nice to meet you, Sakura," "You too, Hamida" I gave a light smile as she giggled. "What?" I ask  as clueless as ever. "I just remembered my own Uchi Naru. And by the way, I have something very important to tell you so we have to- oh wait, let me just use Nichi,"

Then with a wave of a hand, we were transported into another place which looked like home. "We're in Hariku, Sakura. Home of the Haruno clan," Choyo smiled. "So, let me introduce myself. My name is Haruno Hamida and I'm the first pinkette Haruno. And also your ancestor," she blurt out the obvious like Ino did when we were kids.

Uchi Naru: Reminiscing the years, huh?

Sakura: Hallelujah! You're back, Uchi! Can't believe I missed you.

Uchi Naru: Yeah, yeah. Now listen to yar ancestor.

"And I was the first one to hold and release the Haruno Beast or what I call, Nichi. Nichi is also known to you and me as your hidden and save chakra that once released, will create a powerful explosion or battle. And Nichi also is connected to our thoughts and emotions. It battles not only in the physical body but also digs deep into the emotional and pyschological aspects. In my case, I released Nichi when I met the love of my life, Uchiha Yuzama once more."

I flinched at the mention of the clan name. But it kindasorta feels like it's destiny that we have to continue this love story thingy.

"And I see you did the same," I nodded sheepishly and Hamida just giggled like a child. Well, I forgot she is in a teenage version of herself but is already a few thousand years old. "Let me tell you my first and last heart break and yes, I loved only one man for a solid lifetime. Pretty crazy huh?" I chuckled. "Pretty much,"

"We first met when my mother introduced me to him. Our mothers joked around about how we'll get married and all but I have to admit, he was hot. He has jet black hair, onyx eyes which mesmerized me on the first sight of things. We played at the park but got into a little argument on ice cream. I knew my rights and I know that strawberry ice cream tastes better than the chocolate ones. He then went out and left me to buy ice cream and yes, chocolate and strawberry,"

I giggled a bit at her story. Hamida is really another version of me.

"Back to the important biz, I need to tell you about your Nichi and your Uchi Naru. So Uchi Naru is the one who knows all your real feelings and emotions and is your only trusted guru aside from well, before Chiyo here died. Am I right?" I nodded and stole a glance at Lady Chiyo who was as jolly as ever. "Now, Sakura. You released Nichi a couple of days ago am I right?" my eyes widened. It happened a couple of days ago? I thought it only happened yesterday. What really happened?! Mentally screaming, I was brought back to reality by Chiyo. "Young woman listen," she said in her oh so sweet and tender voice. "I'm just confused. It happened a couple of days ago? I don't really remember anything after going crazy on the meadow," I shrugged as Hamida chuckled. "You slept for a solid 48 hours to regain all your lost chakra, honey," Well, that answers it.

"Now that your Nichi has been released and your stored chakra still starting to store up again, you have now the ability to release, control and to use up chakra from around you to control Nichi. And now, let me introduce you to my very own Nichi whom I named, Nala."


Hello there mah awesome ship-mates!! So it's sorta short and all but the next chapter will be the whole thing and I canceled my idea to write a SasuSaku moment down here. Sorry...

Back on track, I got a little secret but you have to find out what!! It's pretty much hidden in my profile and when you get the point, message me... And I will tell thee!!

So before I end my yapping and all, I need you to know what the prize is for winning my 'What's My Secret' game....... It will beeeee......

Shown in the next chapter! :3 Don't worry, I will write.

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