Chapter Thirty

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No, I need to stop this. 

This is the last time I'll ever be weak. 

And it's because of her again.

No, she has to go. 

Sasuke pulled away from their hug as his tears seemed to fade away. Sakura's eyes were full of shock because of his mood swings lately. "S-Sasuke?" she gulped as Sasuke weilded his katana. 

 I'm sorry, he thought as he lunged into her to put an end to all this haunting misery and to focus on one goal; Vengeance. 

 Quick to her senses, the young medic dodged his sudden attack and survived with only a deep cut on her right arm. 


Meanwhile, Naruto was still on the mission to find and recover Sakura. 

"We lost Sasuke. I can't afford to lose Sakura now!" he growled as he ran faster and deeper into the forest. He stopped at a tree with horror in his eyes. 

There they were, his lost team-mates, fighting for a reason unknown to him. 

"S-Sasuke...?" he then saw the huge wound on Sakura's arm and then lunged straight towards the rouge. 

"RASENGAN!" he yelled, but aiming right in the huge space in the middle of the two. 

Both were taken aback at the sudden arrival of their really loud [former as Sasuke would say] team-mate. "N-Naruto?" 

As the dust cleared and a huge hole appeared in the middle, shocking both at the same time. 

"Well now Little Miss Weak. I see your savior has come," sasuke chuckled as Sakura's eyebrows met at the 'joke'. "She is not weak, Sasuke."

"If she isn't then she would've just killed me like her original plan was. Am I right, PINKY?" he smirked as Sakura balled her fists and stared at the ground as the words hit her like a thunderbolt. 

But deep down inside, Sasuke was hurting himself. It hurt him to see his delicate cherry blossom to be bad-mouthed. It even hurt more because he was the one bad-mouthing her. 

"I'd love to stay and chat with both of you but I have more important things to do than stand here with a couple of weaklings."

And with that, he was gone. 

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