Chapter 15

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Felix's POV

My heart was thumping hard insidey cheat continously science was around us while we wait for our signal. I felt that I was sweating so much in every part of my body and you could feel the nervousness radiating from the others.

As the whistle was blown, I couldn't move for a second and so did Jiyeon and Changbin. No body did. I did it out of nervousness but I can see that the other pair was doing it purposely. Are they trying to let us win?  Then I'll take the chance.

I gave Hyemin a small signal to attack as we did.

We initiated first giving our best speed to make a hit but no. We were just faced with called air. I jerked my head to the right, seeing Jiyeon there standing with her divilish smirk still on. Same goes for Changbin.

I didn't move for a minute thinking that this was their plan. They were planning to make us tired but we can't just go on waiting for each other so we attacked again but missed misserably again.

This time Jiyeon was behind me and immediately twisted my arm on my back making me kneel. As for Hyemin and Changbin, he had just push the poor girl and she successfully falling forward landing with her hands. That was close.

I felt Jiyeon leaned near my ear and whispered.

"I'm giving you a chance here lover boy and I suggest you take it." She pushed me making me stumble but still stand along with Hyemin.

We wore a more serious look than before but the other smeems to find it very entertaining for them.

We tried punching and kicking them but they were able to dodge every single hits and went to out back again the Jiyeon kickked me behind my knees causing me to kneel while Changbin ducked and slid his leg to trip Hyemin and cause her to fall again.

This time they didn't wait for us to stand up before getting more close to each other getting prepare so I did the same.

I strided near my partner and gave another signal before we showered them with hits and kicks but, again, none hit them.

The girl of the other pair went behind Changbin as if he was a shield.

Changbin placed a strong punch on my stomach before jumping and Jiyeon sliding her leg across the floor, like what Changbin did before, making me fall and because of the rain on my stomach I wasn't able to stand up again.

Hyemin was still trying to focus keeping her stance and tried going behind the pair quickly but her arm was grabbed by Jiyeon who got behind her first, twisting it making her kneel and to finish it, Changbin hit her somewhere near the neck that resulted for Hyemin to drop on the floor.

We stayed there, laying on the cold floor as stilence remained. When everyone was able to process what just happened the whistle was blown again before series of claps and small cheers erupted. But was stopped by Jiyeon's booming voice.

"When fighting your opponent there are things you need to remember. One, paitience is always needed. Don't care if it would take you a whole day to wait but never initiate your attack first unless you have a well calculated plan. Second, observe every single little movement that they make. With this you can identify what to do next. Third of course is to think fast. You can't let your mind float in mid air as you fight because you need to be a fast thinker because your opponent might pounced on you when they see you are distracted. Lastly, when you are fight with a partner or a group, make sure you work together as one and not separately. I have been observing you guys and you did just that. You tried fighting individually even if you have another person beside you. That's wrong. You guys support each other and lend each other the strength that you have to make you more stronger. I didn't pair you for nothing. Do you guys want a demo before ending this class?" She asked.

Demo? What demo?

They answered yes but I don't know what to say so I remained silent.

"You two can stand up now." Jiyeon lend a helping hand to Hyemin that was gladly accepted.

I hope there was no hard feelings right?" Sh asked with a smile.

"No not at all. Thank you for teaching us. It was an honor you were good." Hyemin smiled and hugged Jiyeon, which I can see, got a bit uncomfortable, but returned it anyway.

Hyemin said something before going to me and helping me up and placed my arms around her shoulder as she did to my waist.

" So now for the demo. We will fight with another pair and we will show you how we fight. And let's call on our competitors shall we." The same door that Changbin walked out from people and again and revealed another set or two people, that again I wasn't expecting to see.

Jisung and Minho.

"This is Jisung and Minho. We will fight with them." Everyone's attention was driven to the newly arrived people.

They prepare their places and the wistled was blown not waiting for any other prompt. Jiyeon and Minho approached the center first in a quick pace.

They fought with such power and authority in each movement. They were working as a pair and not individualy, like Jiyeon said.

The fight lasted for a good 20mi minutes but there were no signs of exhaustion in their faces. Only determination. Sadly the fight had to end as the whistle ringed through out the whole room.

They smiled at one another like they didn't try to beat each other
Up. Nobody believed it. They fought with strength but their movements were light but powerful. They weren't even tired or panting.

"That's the end of our class for today. Dissmis." Everyone was still in shock but managed to pack up their bags and leave the room one by one.

We approach the four talking to each other.

"Jiyeon are you gonna go home?" I said not bothering to be polite and say excuse me.

"Yeah I am. I'll just get my things and let's go. Or do you want to drop off Hyemin?" She said.

"No it's ok I can go home alone. My parents wouldn't worry much if I did." Hyemin replied and I heard Jiyeon mumble something lowly.

"Ok then. Let's walk home together." I reffered to Jiyeon. She nodded and went to the only door of the room.

There was an awkward silence surrounding us but I guess me and Hyemin were the only one feeling it as the other three boys remained talking with each other.

Later, Jiyeon has arrived back to our spot and asked me to go. The other three ducklings followed us as we headed to the elevator and pressing 1st floor.

Shouldn't it be basement? There was another button and it was for bassement but it had a keyhole beside it so I guess it's not accessible to everyone.

There was a ding sound before the elevator door opened leading us to an epmty room but was welcomed with another guy.

"Hi! I guess your classes just ended so that means I can take you home now?"

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