Chapter 18

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Felix's POV

Our weekend passed with us just resting on the couch finishing our books and it was now back to school for 5 days.

Me and Jiyeon did the same routine we did before going to school, surprisingly we were able to do it again today, but I waited a bit longer for Hyemin to arrive in our front gate and suggested that she go in our room first and after successfully bringing Hyemin to her class, I went to my own.

We are currently having our English class, the class I can surely Ace because I'm a natural.

"Can you give me your opinion about this three words on the board." She pointed at the words which were envy, loyalty and friendship.

She started off with the front row and slowly reached the row I was in and when it was my turn I decided to joke around.

"Envy idiotic, loyalty beautiful, friendship majestic. BOOM! Unicorns!" Everyone laughed at my statement but the teacher didn't perceived it funny. Not at all.

"Mr. Lee Felix! I would highly appreciate if you would take those creative ideas of yours in your essay during detention. Full lunch detention!" My classmates laughed but stopped abruptly.

"Do you guys want to accompany him? The detention officer is very lonely at the detention room and I'm sure she would be happy to have all of you join her." Everyone fell silent.

"Good. Now shall we carry on." We continued on with our activity and later on the bell rang and students started to disperse from the room.

"Good job genious. You got yourself in a full lunch detention."

"Oh shut up. Class was boring so I had to lighten it up in any way I wanted. You should be grateful." I grumbled at the girl in front of me with the three ducklings behind her.

"Well actually no. I'm not gonna be thankful for you because I have to spend my time alone with this three idiots." She was protested with whines and a small smack on the arm.

"Whatever. I'll go before these ends up for a whole week detention." I got up and left the room.

I was about to go straight to the detention room but I heard a sweet voice yelling my name through the hallways.

"Felix!!!" I turned and was greeted by a hug that made me glow red all over my face.

"Come on let's have lunch together." Hyemin was about to pull me away but I pulled my arm slowly.

"Sorry, Min, but I have to go to full lunch detention today." She gave me a saddened look.

"Why? What happened?"

"I was put in to detention for adding a bit of fun to our boring English class." I said and she laughed.

"Oh well. School is no fun anyways. Sorry but I have to go. Maybe we can just hang out after school. How does that sound?" I smiled and she also did showing that she approves.

I continued my destination but I got to give a glance inside the lunchroom and saw that Jiyeon and the three boys were accompanied by another guy.


He had his arms around Jiyeon and she seems like she doesn't mind and continued to eat but I could see that annoyance plastered on her face because of the noise the other three boys were making while eating. I just shook my head in pitty.

Over time I was able to reach the detention room and was immediately given a topic to write about as an essay the moment I got in.

This is gonna be FANTASTIC. Note the sarcasm.

Minutes passed slowly. My time seemed to go slow with each words I write to fill the detention paper. And on what seemed like years I was able to finish it but I knew that it wasn't ending there. It was a full lunch detention.

I waited for another 15 minutes before being able to go back to me next class just in time.

Our day went on with nothing happening and everything flowing smoothly. For out teachers at least.

We were dismissed 10 minutes earlier because they had a faculty meeting and everyone jumped in joy. One of them being me.

I hung my bag on my shoulder and remembered my promised hanging out after school with Hyemin. My heart skipped in joy matching with the steps I made.

It isn't my first time hanging out with her and her friends but I still feel joy overcoming me everytime I thought of it.

The time I arrived on our school's gate, I was shocked on what I saw.

It was Jiyeon and Hyemin giggling to their selves with whatever topic they've discussed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as soon as I walked closer to their direction.

"Well that's a rude way to welcome your best friend." Jiyeon said with a slight pout.

"Come on, Felix, don't be rude. I invited her also. We talked a bit this luch and I happen to talk about our plan and thought, why not let her join. She's your best friend after all." I couldn't say no to the smile Hyemin was giving me.

"But wait, how did you two become close anyway?" I can't help but ask.

"Well remember when I said that I had to take care of some business before I officially went to get the groceries? I actually met Hyemin on my way and we chatted in a nearby cafe. We exchanged numbers and she even helped me to get the things I bought home." She gave an eye smile to Hyemin that were returned.

"Ok let's go then."

"Wait! We're waiting for somebody." I looked at them confused.

"I can't be a third wheel in this date now can I?" I got even more confused but I was answered when a certain someone wrapped his arms around Jiyeon.

"Hey." It was Takihiko again.

"So I made a decision that I would let Takihiko come along with us. It could be a double date." Hyemin said excitedly that was proven when she jumped up and down while clapping.

I was angry and happy at the same time. Angry because it was supposed to be me and Hyemin's time to know each other more and happy because she said that this was a date.

Well they're hear anyway. Might as well go right?

"Fine let's go." They cheered and went together.

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