Chapter 22

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Felix's POV

I stormed out of the cafeteria to get my things and leave the school. I was in too much rage to care of teachers asking why I suddenly disappeared.

I left the school premises but not heading to our apartment, instead I went to the park near the school. I sat on the bench where me and Hyemin sat before when we visited this place. This was also the place where me and Jiyeon used to play when we were kids.

A sigh left my lips as I thought about the old days. When we were still young and innocent. I started to recall the games we used to play in this park.

I stayed there sitted for a few more hours before checking the time. I realized that I took a longer time staying here than expected and I'm pretty sure that school was about to end so I have to leave here before Jiyeon sees me here.

I stood up stretching for a bit since I was seated there for a straight two and a half hour then walked away.

The soft breeze passed my body making me cold but I didn't care. I went to a hotel building thinking that I will be staying here for a few days.

I don't know why but, I just felt the urge to be angry on what I witnessed a while ago. They were acting as if they were a couple, when they are actually not, and they're acting so normal about it and Minho and the others seems so happy about it. Except for Hyemin, of course.

Who even is that Bang Chan guy? What is he to Jiyeon?

I stood in front of the hotel I was I am about to stay in but still contemplating about that decision.

To be honest I did over reacted a bit a while ago. They were probably so confused on why I was furious a while ago, which by the way I also don't know. What can I do? She's my best friend and I've just realised that she has been keeping secrets from me.

First her knowing Jisung and Changbin and don't forget Minho, second is her having a self-defense class, third, Takihiko courting her, and now this! What else does she has to hide from me?

I felt a tap on the shoulder followed by me being turned around forcefully facing an annoyed looking guy.

"Hey buddy would you mind? You may not have been informed but you are blocking the way." He sneered at me as I apologised. I bowed and moved out of the way for the starnger to continue on his way with a frown.

Okay. I have decided. I'm going home. I have realised that I was just being childish. Besides, I can't just ask my parents to lend me money just because I ran away from home because I got jealous of a guy being too close with my best friend.



I froze for a moment, receiving weird looks from others passing buy but I dind't give a damn.

Did I just admit that I was jealous?

Okay fine! I am jealous but not in a romantic way. I was jealous because someone got so close to Jiyeon for just meeting her for the first time, that I think isn't true, besides me. Let's just say I'm a jealous type of person that. I don't want to be replaced in her life. But that's it. Right?

I tugged my brown locks out of frustration and walked, more like ran, my way to my home.

I stood there panting and sweating not because of running but because of nervousness.

What would Jiyeon say? Is she angry at me? I just yelled at her so there is a possibility that she would be angry at me, right? Would she kick me out? I know that isn't possible because my parents are the one paying for the apartment but she could tell them the behaviour I gave her.

I shook all of my worries away and held the door knob. I closed my eyes and entered.

My questions was answered as soon as I felt a warm body hugging my cold one, because of the temperature outside, that I instinctively return.

"I was so worried Felix. Please don't be angry with me. I'm sorry." Her words successfully made my lips tug into a small smile.

"No I should be sorry. Sorry Jiyeon. I know I over reacted a while ago at lunch. I shouldn't have acted that way. Will you forgive me?" She looked up to me and nodded. I tucked the stray hair that fell onto her face and smiled wider.

"Now shall we eat? I wasn't able to properly eat lunch because of what happened and I know you didn't too because you were to worried about me leaving." I smirked when she slapped my chest.

"Yah! Be nice! You have no idea how hard it was to convince Mr. Kim that you had to go home in a short notice because your mom called you saying that she was sick and no one was there to take care of her!" I placed my arm around her shoulder as we waddled over the kitchen.

"Oh please. I'm sure it wasn't that hard to convince Mr. Kim considering that you are his most FAVORITE student." I said emphasizing the word "Favorite".

"Which teacher is not considering me as their favorite student?" She chuckled.

"You have a point."

I always know at the end of the day I won't be able to run away from her. I'm too attached to her for me to leave. I love her.

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