Chapter 32

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Felix's POV

Everything seemed to run off roughly. Well for me at least.

My day went gloomily and sorrowful. It was what I felt. I didn't speak much (but it's not like I even hardly spoke to anyone else anyway) and was spacing out every 5 minutes.

I lacked energy, staggering with every step. I avoided Hyemin and her company because that was what I was told to.

I haven't seen her since my movie day with her last Friday. She hasn't even tried to contact me yet.

None tried to talk to me this day. I think they sensed the very unwelcoming aura I gave out. Everything about me today was more unwelcoming then ever: Eyes filled nothing but sorrow and sadness; body gestures close to a zombie that just woke up from the dead; even my hair was all over the place instead of my usual well styled hair.

Finally! The part of this day I was very excited to happen was already here. Dismissal.

It wasn't because of being able to go home because I know that today that I will not return home but instead stay somewhere unknown. But I know I'll be with her.

I went to my locker as I was instructed to. It was like not something will happen there. It was just like any other normal day that I would go to my locker and return some of my books that I got.

I stood there patiently waiting for some one to approach me.

Moments later, I saw two unfamiliar face heading towards my direction. I stood still until both of the men were already in front of me.

They weren't students here– seeing that they weren't wearing uniform, tattoos on both arms (which is strictly forbidden in this school), heads dyed to brightly to be permitted to be inside, and they look like they weren't in the right age to even go to school– everything shouts that they don't belong here.

All of us stayed still; no one bothered to make a move. Until one of the guys moved there hands towards his pocket and stuck put a clothe. By that I already knew what would happen and made myself alarmed. I went into defense mode but even before I could launch at them, they already started ahead.

The first guy held me in place as the other one began to cover my mouth and nose with the unknown clothe. I struggled as much as I can but I just couldn't do that.

There weren't students in the halls because all classes had ended. My vision started to spin. However, before I could lose consciousness, I saw someone who I didn't expect to just watch in amusement. There stood Hyemin, watching with crossed arms, a smirk plastered on her lips as she leaned on a locker a few meters from where the scene was unfolding.

It hurt. Not because of what I was receiving but because of the feeling of betrayal. The person who I thought that would help at these situation right there in front of me just watching me suffer.

As my world began to darken the last thing I saw was a fear stricken faced Hyemin as other more people started to arrive. One of them being the person I claimed to be my best friend.

I woke up feeling a bit dizzy and light headed. I took a look at my surroundings seeing that I was in an unfamiliar room–although there was a familiar comfort to it. I tried standing up but I felt too dizzy to do so, so I sat back down.

The room was decorated simple. The theme was all black. Walls were painted pure black while the floor had wooden planks. The furniture, however, were simple. An average sized wooden study desk placed at the far corner of the room and across the room was a three shelf book case filled with all sorts of book and a average sized closet. The overall interior was somewhat familiar to me like it was based on somewhere I have came across.

Moments later, the white wooden door opened revealing non other than Mr. Smiley himself– Han Jisung.

"Oooooh you're awake!" He said with his oh so bright smile.

"Here I brought you food. Site you're hungry. Somebody said- well more like revealed, that you didn't know how to cook and was left alone at your apartment so here. Soup! And a medicine to help you with your headache." He placed the tray of food in front of me as I just gave it a short look glancing back at him.

"Come on eat up. Jiyeon took a lot of time making that as it is your favorite unless you want me to feed little Lixie~" Before he could even touch the silverware I immediately slapped his hand.

"I'm good thanks." I took a spoon full of soup and placed it in my mouth letting the flavour melt in my mouth. I moaned in appreciation as I gobbled up the remains of the food served.

"After you're done you could take the medicine after. I know you are feeling a bit of a body pain as well but we don't want to overdose you with medicine now do we?" He shook his head and hum as response to his own statement. Sometime I think this guy is too lonely that he starts talking to himself.

I took a sip of water draining the pill down my throat. I placed the glass back on the tray and leaned back down the comfort of the bed.

Jisung took the tray and left without any word. As much as I want to see Jiyeon at this moment I don't want to appear in front of her being all dizzy and high. I need to think straight when I'm gonna face her. I need to let her know the feeling that were long denied.

I let my self to drift of to the dizzines of sleep, my body falling limp.

[A/N: Okay so I really want to apologize for not updating in such a long time but thank you for still supporting this book. I have a very logical reason why I haven't updates and it was because my phone broke so I couldn't really update. It was hard to update in a public computer shop because I felt conscious of other people seeing  what I was working on– not even my parents saw. So I am very sorry and hope you enjoyed this chapter!]

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