Chapter 28

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Felix's POV

After my call with Jiyeon I've decided that it was better to follow her instructions so I did, but not without telling Hyemin first, I mean, she still deserves to know that I had to leave.

I woke her up saying that I needed to attend to somewhere urgent and she complied, though I could see the doubt in her eyes but I didn't mind that.

I hastily packed my thing, heading out of her room without saying anymore farewells. I ran my way, but I didn't know why, to our apartment building. My chest heaved up and down as I tried to regulate my breathing pattern and by the time I was able to do just that, I wiped the beads of sweat trickling down my forehead.

The door creeked slightly, then I entered the place that is being occupied by myself now. I was greeted with silence with no one to treat my tired body. No one was here except me, myself and I. Despite the confusing conversation that I had with Jiyeon I still couldn't help but want her here, by my side and never leave me ever again.

I payed no attention to my bag that has fallen on the floor accidentaly, after I unconsciously lossen my grip from it, and I walked lifelessly to my room. I was beyond exhausted, physically, mentally and emotionally. I didn't know, however, why I was emotionally tired. Probably for the reason that the feeling of lonliness ang longing in my heart has stayed there since- I can't even recall when I started to feel like this. This was the longest time me and Jiyeon has been appart from each other. We were always together like two peas in the same pod and never have I imagined that we will be in our current state. Why does this sound so depressing?

My body fell lifelessly on my still messy bed. Ever since I stayed alone here, I never got the time (strength) to do anything regerding the chores needed to be done in this house. I don't clean, wash the clothes, or even cook, not that I can anyways. It's always I wake up in the morning, do my morning routine, go to school, arrive home, order a pizza or so, sleep, and the cycle repeates. Nothing new happens everyday except for when me and Hyemin decides to go on an after-school-date, but even that can't get rid of the feeling that I'm like a robot living in a daily human life. So lifeless and repeating.

I stared at the blank ceiling of my room while my mind wondered at different parts of the world. I didn't know what I was thinking of specifically. Maybe all the thinking damage my ability to think properly, or I'm already going crazy, no body knows.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes to hours, I didn't realize that is was already dark outside and I was still laying on my bed and still on the same postition I was in when I arrived. I stood from my not-so-comortable bed then change into my house clothes. Instead of staying in my cold room tonight, I came to an idea of staying in Jiyeon's room.

I took small and short steps to her room until I faced the familiar dark brown door. I stayed staring straight at the nonliving material in front of me before collecting my remaining normal thoughts. I pushed the door lightly along with a warm and calming ambiance filling my senses causing my body to relax and a smile to make way on my lips.

Compared to the other corners of this house (or apartment), Jiyeon's room was neat and obviously untouched. Books were well organized on the small desk located at the corner of the room, bed neatly done, and every other things in her room were arranged accordingly.

Her room itself manage to comfort me. I made my way to the untouched bed, replacing the once empty space with my heavy body, making the sheets slightly dishevel from its previous arranged condition.

The bed sheets smelled exactly like the owner of this room. Sweet. My eyes began to scan the room, taking in the things that were placed in every space, but one caught my eye. It was a picture frame that contained a picture of me and Jiyeon as children that was placed beside the small stack of book at the center of her desk.

My smile impossibly got wider with my eyelids getting heavier. The silence and sweet smell of Jiyeon's room lulled me to sleep, dreaming about or happy and carefree childhood days.

I woke up the next to the familiar bed of my missing friend. I searched for my phone but realized that I didn't bring it with me on my way here. I stood and stretched my body, successfully hearing the satisfying sounds of my bones cracking.

I felt so great in such a long time. I manage to wake up with a smile and nothing occupying my mind right now except for breakfast that my body seek. I went to my messy room only to just then realize that it was so messy. Entering and sleeping in Jiyeon's room made my room looked ten times as messy as it seemed to me before.

I picked up my phone from being rested on top of the closet near my bed. I checked the time and was surprise when I saw it was already 10:34 a.m. I shrugged it out because I was glad that I was able to sleep yesterday night properly.  I haven't slept like that since I can remember. Wow. A lot has changed. I plugged in my charger to charge my phone. I was now doing my routine and now ready to start my day with a bread.

I felt so energized today that I felt like cleaning the whole building from top to bottom. But of course I needed to start here first because it seriously looked like a pig's den.

The day was filled with smiles and sunshines that no one could ever ruin.

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