Chapter 26

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Felix's POV

Me and Hyemin were walking hand in hand towards her class. After that night of confession everything went well. Hyemin confessed that she also liked me so what could I do but ask her to be my girlfriend and she said yes!

So now here we are walking, with our fingers intertwined and a huge smile plastered on my face. I felt so accomplished.

We were given weird looks but we didn't mind. We enjoyed the company of each other.

When we arrived in front of her class, I turned her around and gave a small peck on her forehead and whispered "I Love You" which she gladly returned. Hyemin gave me one last wave then entered the room filled with noisy group of people.

I practically skipped my way to my own class that made me look like a child who was given a present for being a good boy. By the time I was getting closer to my classroom, I felt somebody pulled me into the janitor's closet.

I was alarmed and was about to punch the person when I saw that it was just Takihiko.

"So. You got yourself a new girlfriend." He stated more than questioning me. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What does that have to do with you?" I interrogated.

"Nothing." He pushed passed me and left the confined space first.

I just rolled my eyes, not really bothering to think more about what he wanted. This day was too perfect, so far, for him to destroy it.

I entered the class later than I expected but just gave an excuse that I had a bit of a headache on my way here and I happen to pass by the clinic, and I can't believe that our Professor bought it.

I made my way to my sit plan, small skips still visible with every step.

Everyone payed close attention to the discussion but there were occasional interruptions by either little side comments or someone had to got to the CR, but nonetheless it wasn't as rowdy as the previous classes that we had.

After a few more subject passed and we were finally be able to be go out and eat.

While everyone one was busy scurrying out of the classroom, some trying to aid their hunger with the sandwiches the had in hand, I, on the other hand, went straight too Jiyeon's desk that Chan, Jisung, Changbin, and Minho surrounded.

I pushed passed them and pulled Jiyeon out but instead of going to the cafeteria, I led her to the rooftop.

No one was there so it was perfect for us to have a private conversation.

I pulled the steel door that was located at the end of the stair case and made her sat at the semented, but clean, floor.

Jiyeon gave me a confused look, probably asking in her mind why did I bring her here but kept silent otherwise and I was so thankful for that.

I took a deep breath and sat down meside her, sitting in an indian position.

"So, uhm, you're probably wondering why I brought you here right?" I scratched the back of my head and grew more nervous with each passing time.

'Damn! It's like I'm confessing my feelings all over again! Why am I so nervous anyway?' I inhaled and exhaled to calm and organized my thoughts before continuing.

"Well actually I just wanted to inform you that, uhm, me and Hyemin went out on a date yesterday." She gave me a bright smile and patted my back.

"That's good! How'd it go? Were you able to find something new about her?" She asked excitedly.

"Uhm, yeah, about that. We went to the ice cream shop we used to go to when we were kids then to the zoo then lastly the cliff." Jiyeon looked puzzeled for a while when I mentioned the last destination we went to but then the realization hit her.

"Oh! Yeah, that cliff! So what happened?" I let out a huff of breath.

"So we went there and I confessed saying I love her blah blah blah then she answered me and we-" I trailed off a bit as I watch Jiyeon who was listening, trully intrigued.

"-we got together. She said she liked me back so I asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes." I watched my bestfriend's smiled falttered a bit but returned immediately, so quick that it was barely noticable. To bad I saw it.

"So she answered you just like that?" She asked that made me furrow my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Well don't you remember when I told you that she had stict parents? That also includes the fact that they are also strict with her love life. Felix, have you even met her parents?" I shook my head but defended my ground.

"No but, so have you. And besides, she wouldn't accept me if she knew her parents will object our relationship right?" I asked that question, trying to convince myself rather than Jiyeon. I would be lying if I said that her words didn't give me a slight doubt.

"You have no idea. Please, just. Just stay safe."

She stood up and dusted her skirt. She gave me another smile and patted my back with a small "congratulations" before leaving without any more word that was said.

Saying that I was confused was an understatement. I didn't know what was her deal was for questioning me. It was no use anyway, me and Hyemin are together and I just can't break up with her.

I didn't want to leave the place and just sit there, thinking about everything that happened but I still stood and dusted my own pants.

When I reached the cafeteria, I expected for Jiyeon to be there but no. The table we usually sat at was empty. No Changbin, no Jisung, no Chan, no Minho, and not even Takihiko.

I went put to search for the missing group but they seemed to be no where to be found inside the school premises.

In the end, I was forced to eat with Hyemin and her group of friends.

None of the people I was searching for appeared during the next few setions.

The next day they also weren't there. And the next. And the next, until it became a week without seeing them. Not even Jiyeon came home at our apartment for that whole period of time, which got me thinking more.

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