Chapter 20

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Felix's POV

After the little scene a while ago, we all agreed to go home and take a rest for school tomorrow. I know we need it especially Jiyeon.

I felt a little heart broken seeing her cry- no she was sobbing hard. I don't know why byt she never let go of tye duck plushie that Takihiko won for her. Some might think it's silly to cry over something so simple, but I know Jiyeon. She wouldn't cry for something like just receiving a duck plushie. There must be something deeper than that.

I opened the door to our home and led my friend's tired body inside. She wasn't crying as hard as before but there were still tears falling from her eyes.

I ushered her to the couch then got some water for her to drink. I patted her back for comfort and gave her the biggest bear hug I could muster and felt her body shaking with the intense breakdown.

"You're a mess. Why don't you wash up for a bit and then go to sleep , yeah? We still have school tomorrow and I don't want Ms. Nerdy regretting her decision on being absent for a day." I said, attempting to make her laugh but only got a broken smile. I guess that's the only thing I can afford for now then.

She stood up to go to her room with the duck still wrapped protectively around her arms.

A sigh escaped my lips once she was out of my sight. It really pains me to see her like that. She was always the tough and strong hearted that would protect anyone she loves from being hurt, but seeing her like this, it makes me feel like I want to be the one to protect her from all the danger around the world. She looked so fragile and weak.

Another sigh left my mouth before standing up. I went to Jiyeon's room and opened the door to make a small gap, not bothering to knock, and there stood Jiyeon with her phone, and the plushie, in her hand, talking to someone so I listned.

"Please sing for me." Jiyeon said with a weak voice.

"The same song?" The person from the other side of the phone said.

"Yes please." She settled herself on her bed hugging the yellow stuffed toy in her embrace as the voice started to sing an unfamiliar song.

"You're the one I wanna see with all alone~
But you're playing with my heart I know it all~." The voice sang with a soft melody.

I could see Jiyeon's eyelids become heavy as the song furthered it's end and I witnessed that all.

I stayed until the voice ended the call with a "goodnight" , hanging up after.

I closed the door lightly, trying not to make a sound as to not wake yp the sleeping girl, leaving to my room. I washee my face for a bit brushing my teeth after then changing into some PJs, lastly snyggling on my bed.

As my body relaxed, thoughts started to fill my mind that are giving me headaches. The heavy feeling started to swell in my heart when I remembered how sad and weak Jiyeon looked like. I felt like crying myself.

For nth time this day I sighed and closed my eyes, letting the drowsiness overtake my body to sleep.

Waking up in the morning earlier than usual, I stood  up and stretched doing my morning routine.

I checked on my bestfriend who was still sleeping peacefully on her own bed making me smile at the sight.

I closed the door and fixed the time I will wake up Jiyeon, but now, I am gonna cook her breakfast and by breakfast I mean toasted bread and stawberry jam. I forgot I couldn't cook without buring the pan, nit the food.

I checked the time and went back to Jiyeon shaking her sti body.

"Yeon-ie~ wake up~." But she just waved her hands in the air hitting no one in specific. I chuckled at the half asleep girl and jymped on the bed.

I smirked and jumped up and down, messing her sheets and her sleepiness.

"Yah stop! Fine I'm awake!" She sat up holding her head. I stippee my actions and crouched down at her level worried.

"Are yoy okay? Does you're head hurt?" I held her shoulders, inspecting her.

"Yes dumbass!" She shot me a glare with her red, puffy eyes byt I smiled. I got my bestfriend back.

I ruffled her hair making her release a whine and stood up.

"Is this how you great me in the mroning?" I smiled and stood with her. I made my way to the door.

"Take a shower. I made a strawberry jam sandwiches for breakfast." She nodded then closed the door on my face. Literally!

I held my nose, that got hit by the wooden material and glared at the closed door but walked away anyways.

A/N: Yey an update finally! I was inspired because of our Desert Fox Yang Jeongin!

생일축하합니다~ 생일축하합니다~ 사랑하는 우리 정인~ 생일축하합니다~

Yehey! To our sunshine remember that you are and always be our baby. We love youuuuuuu!

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