Chapter 23

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Felix's POV

We had our lunch after settling things and was now preparing for bed when suddenly Jiyeon asked something.

"Hey how are you and Hyemin so far?"

"Oh? You could say we're pretty close I guess. You're not even helping me." I pouted at her jokingly.

"Oh I forgot. She likes ice cream so much, she likes boys who are sexy, loves dogs rather than cats, hobby is watching movies and travelling and lastly she has very strict parents." I stared at her shocked. I wasn't really expecting for her to get those informtion.

She just shrugged her shoulder.

"Those are just basic information about her."

"What do you mean?"

"Well there are other things that I knew about her. But that, I can't tell. Girl's also needs her privacy." I slumped my body in disappointment but understood.

She was right. Hyemin also needs her privacy and besides, if she does like me for who I am I don't need those information especially from other people.

"I know. I know I'm supposed to observe those information."

"Hey I know it's hard but you shouldn't be worrying about that. You should think first on how you will be able to have a date with her. Have you even had a proper and planned date?" She gave me a look.

Then it hit me. She's right. I haven't asked her for a proper date with her before. Instead of asking information from my bestfriend I should've just asked Hyemin out and I would've known more right now.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." She stood and stretched a bit.

"I'll clean, you go plan for your "Date" with Hyemin." She smiled at me and I gave a thankful look, running to my room.

I sat in front of my desk and got a piece of paper as I began to write the possible things I could do for
our first date. I began writing ideas, some occasional scribling.

I was writing the things in my mind right now and I'm telling you, it wasn't really a good thing to do.

Well as said I DID write the things in my mind right and ended up repeatedly wrote Jiyeon's name.

Not joking. She was the only thing in my mind right now, I was very thankful for the things she's doing for me and I'm really lucky to have her as my bestfriend.

Sudden memories of us being together from we were children up to now. The frequent arguments, making up, being sweet, some even thought of us as a couple but we just laughed at those accusations.

As I kept reminiscing our moments an idea popped out of my mind. I began to write all those ideas on the paper filled with sribbles, affraid that I might forget them.

As soon as I was done writing, I rushed out of the room to Jiyeon's to ask her opinion but when I was about to open her door I heard a voice spoke.

"I miss your voice. Can you sing the song we made?" The first one said, that I guessed was Jiyeon.

"Of course." Another unfamiliar voice said, different from what Takihiko sounded like.

"Thanks, Chris."

Chris? Who's Chris? I already have a problem with that Chan guy but now there is another one? Can somebody explain to me why are there a lot of boys surrounding Jiyeon?

The voice began to sing the same song that was sang that was sang by Takihiko every night to her.

I watched as Jiyeon's eyelids become heavy with every word that the voice sang. It was a really nice song matching the person's voice.

Minutes later before Jiyeon fell into complete dreamland, she mumbled something that I didn't fail miss, considering that it was quiet.

"Thanks, Chan." Then fell into deep slumber.

"Goodnight. My love." The call immediately ended.

I was so shock to even think straight. Chris was Chan and he just said "My Love" to Jiyeon. Were they dating? I know Jiyeon didn't hear what Chan or Chris said because she was already asleep but, could it be that Chan likes Jiyeon but Jiyeon doesn't know?

I left the door closed and let the girl that has been occupying my mind to sleep.

Eventhough I was tired from all that happened today and thought coming from different parts of my brain, I can't seem to fall asleep.

Numbers of tossing and turning around my bed yet my eyes were still as wide as an owl's.

'Why do you do this to me Jiyeon.'

The night went by that was filled with me thinking unwanted thoughts and worries. Jiyeon seemed to dexterously invade my mind every night, making me go crazy and sleepless all day. I felt tired.

When I was about to close my eyes my alarm went off.

"Oh for f**k sake!" I exclaimed and covered my face with my pillow. Why the hell was my alarm on when it's a gosh damn Saturday.

"Wakie! Wakie! Sun is up! You have to ask Hyemin for your ideal date today!" Jiyeon said cheerfully not knowing that she was the reason for me to have another sleepless night.

I staggered my way to my bathroom and took a cold shower to wake up my senses but ended up falling asleep in the shower.

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