Chapter 21

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Felix's POV

After that day happened everything started to flow surprisingly smooth.

Everything went out normal. Me and Jiyeon preparing for school then separating ways so that I can send Hyemin to class, meeting at lunch afterwards with the three ducklings and Jiyeon's friend. Takihiko. And yes Hyemin eats with us leaving her friends.

We started to be close actually. Well, except for me, Minho and Takihiko. We just don't go too well.

There was only one thing that was weird though is that every night before Jiyeon goes to sleep, she always calls that person from the other night, that was surprisingly Takihiko, and ask him to sing for her the same song every night. I tried asking her about that but she always avoids the question.

Today was Friday and I thought everything will flow the same as the previous days. But I guessed wrong.

Our classed started with all of us settling on our chairs as the teacher went inside with a greeting that we kindly returned.

"So today you will be having a new calssmate joining you today. He has just transferred from Australia that's why he is late. I will let him tell the rest." Then a boy with grey hair entered.

"Hello. My name is Bang Byung Chan. Nice to meet you." He bowed 90 degrees bow as everyone stared at him in awe.

Not lying he is handsome. No homo. You could obviously hear the foreign accent in his sentence but I'm not the one to talk.

He sat down at the extra seat added just for him, class starting with that but you could hear the girls' whispers yet again whenever a new person is added.

"Oh my gosh! Our class must be blessed to have handsome guys to transfer here!"

"I know right! We are so blessed." Followed with other whispers that was immediately shushed by the teacher.

Hours later our bell rang for our break and everyone rushed out the room.

I was about to go to Jiyeon when I saw her taking off already with the new guy's wrist clutched in her hand.

Minho, Jisung and Changbin went to my direction inviting me for luch which I complied to.

Jiyeon's POV

I made hurried steps as I held Chris's wrist in my hand pulling him at the back of our school.

As soon as we arrived there I, I immediately confronted him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here!" I yelled at his face.

"Missed you too Jiyeon." He said with a monotonous voice.

"Don't act so calm with me Chan! I asked you a damn question! What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing. Here!" I spat at his face once again, my voice raising with every word.

"Why are you angry with me? Was I the one who left? No right?" This made me drop my mad emotion into a guilty one.

"See. Before you go dragging people and yelling at them, make sure that you have all the rights in doing so. And besides," He leaned closer to my face rubbing our noses together.

"I missed you Jiyeonie~." He said in a sing song voice.

He continued to rub our nose together me not bothering to pull away as it proceeded to being a hug.

"Why don't you just welcome me open-heartedly insted of yelling at me. I made effort to see you again and you're gonna welcome me like this? I'm disappointed Jiyeonie." I could hear the pout in his voice and I smiled, finally hugging him back.

"Missed you too Chris." I mumbled as my head was tucked in the crook of his neck.

"Let's head back?" He asked in english while looking down at me.

I nodded.

Felix's POV

After minutes passed at last! Jiyeon and that guy arrived, holding hands like it was a normal thing to do.

I squinted my eyes at their hands intertwined together as different questions started to race in my mind.

'Why were they holding hands? Do they know each other? Are they together? Why didn't Jiyeon say anything to me?' We all continued at stare at the pair.

"Hey guys you're finally here!" Minho shouted, excitement obvious in his voice.

I turned and saw the four boys grinning from ear to ear as they watched the new comers.

They sat down side by side with their luch in hand and began to eat as if nothing was wrong. Goes the same for Jisung, Changbin, Minho and Takihiko.

Seriously? Shouldn't he be jealous at what Jiyeon was doing with the new guy and definitely not grinning as if he won a price.

"Hey I heard you were from Australia? Why did you even go here in korea?" I asked in English.

"Yeah. I transferred here because of some, uh, unfinished.... Business I have to attend to." He replied also in English.

"Is that flirting part of that unfinished business of yours?"

"Lee Felix!" Jiyeon scolded.

"What? Can't I ask some information about him? You two seem close so why don't YOU answer for him?" I glared.

"What is your problem Felix!" Jiyeon finally yelled out of anger.

"Why are you angry aren't I right? He just arrived and yet you are acting sooo close with him already like you've known him for years! For pete's sake Jiyeon are you just gonna keep hiding secrets from me?!" She stood up slaming her hands on the table making some of the people in the cafeteria look at us, watchind the scene unfold in front of them.

"I don't know what's you deal Felix or what secrets are you talking about for you to act this way but you have GOT to calm yourself!" I stood up.

"Oh so you're making me leave because of that guy?! Fine. I'm leaving!" I walked away in anger, leaving them calling out my name.

Right now anger was the only emotion that is boiling up from my head to toe. I don't know why but I feel like punching every single being walking pass me.

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