Chapter 17

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Felix's POV

I'm sooooo bored.

Jiyeon went out and said that she would go to buy groceries, but did buying groceries would take you 3 hours? Unless you wanted to buy the whole shop, or mall, or store, or whatever you call them.

I can't even do anything because of the unbearable pain I feel throughout my whole body with every move I do so I have no choice but to lay on my back on the bed and wait until my best friend comes back.

Well, I wasn't really left alone with nothing to do. Before Jiyeon left she left a book on my nighstand but I wasn't really interested in reading much.

But I don't have a choice do I?

I began to reach for the book on my nightstand and opened the cover. It was entitiled "Furthermore".

The first few pages were mainly credits and I didn't bother to read them.

As I reach the real part of the story I became more intrigued with the plot of it.

I was too immersed with the story that I didn't notice the time that passed by.

I reached at least half of the book when my door was opened by Jiyeon.

"Hey, sorry if I left for too long. I bought ice cream." She smiled at me warmly and I returned it still holding the book in my hand.

"Watcha got there?" She walked my direction.

"This is the book you left me. I was bored so I read it. It is really entertaining. I'm starting to understand why you love reading." A smile etched my face as I speak, looking at the book fondly.

"You look like you fell in love with it." She let out a chuckle and I did the same.

"Well I knew you would like it. I don't know why but I just know you would. Besides, it's in English. It's not that hard to understand for you now." I nodded.

"Yeah. But you do know that I should be practicing my Korean vocabulary. Anywho, it's still enlightining to have something to do while I am confined in this bed, bored."

"When were you never bored. Let's go. I'll cook you something then we'll eat ice cream with an additional movie marathon." I got excited and I know it was obvious in my face so Jiyeon helped me to get up and headed to the kitchen.

She sat me down on a chair infront of the dining table and went to prepare to cook.

I can't help but observe the things around me. This might be out apartment but I never got the chance to observe it thoroughly.

The place was big. Actually the whole building was big meaning having big and spacious rooms.

It wasn't just the normal apartment for rent building. It's like a hotel. You have to talk to someone before being able to buy a room of your own. It is quite expensive but what is the use of having rich parents?

It's not like I am trying to abuse their money and be a spoiled brat but I just need a place for me to stay here in Korea along with Jiyeon, since she doesn't have a permanent house to live in and my parents live in Australia, not planning to come back here anytime soon.

The room consists of two bedroom, which was obviously mine and Jiyeon, a living room big enough to fit a medium size flat screen TV and a couch that can fit atleast three people, a kitchen and a dining room that can seat 6 people in it's rectangle tables that has a door connecting it to the kitchen. It does sound big doesn't it?

"Watcha thinking?" Jiyeon suddenly started.

"Mmm nothing."

"You reading for a short period of time is like a working miracle. You became quiet." She chuckled at her own statement.

"Mhm it was a nice book. I was almost to the part where Oliver and Alice about to meet time. It was so amazing and exciting! I mean their adventure is giving me an idea of doing one my own!" I said enthusiastically.

"I know, Felix. I've read that book already. I haven't bought the book two of it. But I suggest not to make an adventure of your own. You can't even wash the dishes without dropping one of the plates or cups. You're clumsy and impatient. Slow witted and does his actions carelessly without thinking first. Doesn-"

"Yeah! Yeah! I don't want to hear anymore criticisms coming from you!" I interrupted her sentence.

"Why are you even my best friend." I huffed and slumped my body against my seat.

"Because you love me." She turned the stove off and arranged the utensils before placing the rice and kimchi stew on the table.

"And because you can't take care of your self." With that said I yelled at her that only made her laugh and tease me more.

Silence filled the room as we both feasted on what Jiyeon made. I didn't realize I was so hungry until now as I devour my food.

"Slow down there. You might choke." She filled my cup with water and placed it beside my plate.

"What took you so long anyways." I said finally slowing down

"I had to take care of some other buisness before I could actually go to get groceries." I nodded, satisfied by her answer.

We finish eating and began to clean our plate and Jiyeon offered to wash the dishes because she said that I need to rest, but mostly because she doesn't want anymore broken plates.

I staggered my way to the living room flopping my body on the couch with a thud and reached for the remote and switched to different channels, none, however, wasn't able to catch my interest.

Meanwhile Jiyeon was just trying her hands with a towel and joined me on the couch.

"Why don't you just continue to read the book rather than making the TV dizzy from your constant channel changing." She stood up, not even waiting for me to reply, and got the book in my room and got her her own book to read and resumed to sitting beside me.

I didn't protest because I've been dying to see how it ends.

For the second time this day, the room was filled with a relaxing silence. It's just me and Jiyeon immersed with the individual book we bot had in our hands, forgetting about the agreed movie marathon and ice cream.

[A/N: Finally updated! Thank you guys for still reading and voting for this book even if it takes a long time to update. I was actually traumatized because my last update had errors in it because of the system error in my Wattpad account. I even almost lost this book but here I am! Oh and the book that was mentioned her, Furthermore, is a real book. I just finished reading it and I fo highly recommend you this book. It's not in Wattpad but it is found in bookstores. You could search it if you want. It is by Tahereh Mafi. Again thanks!]

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