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Theodore's POV

I reached home and straight went to my room. I need a sound sleep tonight. I know it's already late, but still I have to. I took a shower and changed into my night wear. I lay down the bed. I was feeling so much restless. I wasn't even to sleep. I just tossed on the bed and time only was passing through. I sat on the bed and look at the clock to check the time and it was 3:00 in the morning. I sighed. My sleep has ruined. I have a meeting at 8:00 AM. If I sleep now it will be difficult for me to attend it and I don't want to cancel the meeting as it already has delayed once. I got down from my bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. I made a coffee for me. I badly needed that. I sat on the hall and turned on the TV. I was watching football. I found it boring after a while. But still stubbornly I kept watching the game. It was 3:50 AM. Is time going slow today!!!

' Time and tide wait for none.' biggest lie for me at this moment. I lay down on the couch. I closed my eyes and the party events was flashing in front of my eyes. I smiled. Having a family is very important for anyone. I sighed.

Can I have a family?! Suppose, I settle down, will her family accept me as I am!!! I don't know if they does or not. But settling down is not easy for me. I don't trust women. I know not everyone are the same but all in my life was just like that. This why I don't want any woman in my life. They are selfish. They only think for theirselves.

I don't want to think like that I want to think that they are nice but can you trust in a woman when your own mother has cheated on your father!? I know my mom wasn't a good woman. She has destroyed my life but still I can not hate my mom. I still want her love me honestly. I still think like that some day she will come back to me. I know I am a fool. I want a thing which will never happen. I know she will keep hating me. I might be one of those unlucky omen whom their mother didn't want to born. Why? Am I that unwanted that she wanted to kill me!!! I sat up immediately and clutched my head at once it was paining like hell. I slowly got up and somehow managed to reach my room. I took out painkillers and gulped them down. I lay down on the bed. I was sweating like hell. I took some deep breath.

" Don't think anything, Theo. Don't think anything. Just try to sleep. Don't let this win over you. Don't let yourself lose. Fight with it. Fight with it." I keep saying that to myself.

The pain was reduced a bit. It was now in bearable range. I sighed. I hope someone was with me now. No one wants me. Who will want to be with me!! I really hate myself. But I have to live. I have to get back my father's empire which was mine. I promised myself I will not die before I do it. I took deep breath. I won't let women destroy my destiny. I won't. It will be more devastating for me if I again took a wrong decision like choosing Kylie. I am not going to be a foolish anymore.

Suddenly, a face came in front of my eyes. I opened my eyes at once. What !!! I again closed my eyes and again saw her. I opened my eyes and stared blankly at the celling. Not again. No. I can't do it again. Just be a man and stay strong Theo. Don't get mesmerized by her Beauty. You don't deserve her. I kept thinking about her but saying this to myself.

I don't know what to do. I closed my eyes and again saw the face. She was smiling. Her smile is beautiful but I ignored it and closed my eyes tightly. As I wanted to sleep it ran far away from me. I don't even know why I was so much in a situation I don't know if I can come out or not. I was thinking and don't know when I just dozed off.

I wake up in the morning when I heard the alarm was shouting horribly. I woke up and turned it off. I searched for my phone. But it wasn't in it's usual place. I got up and tried to find it out but it was nowhere. I got down from the bed and went downstairs. I reached the hall thinking I have left my phone in the hall last night. But I couldn't find it there. Then I went to kitchen but failed to search it out. I was very disgusted now. I sighed. I took the landline and called my PA.

" Good morning, sir." He said.

" Good morning, Hensel. I have lost my phone last night I don't know where. I think it has getting calls from dealers and associates. Try to find the phone out I have some important documents in it." I said.

" Sir, I have tried several times. A lady picked up and she was so angry. She said me to file a case so that I could get the phone back. I think phone calls irritated her like hell. So, she is angry now." He said and I smiled helplessly. My phone has destroyed someone's sound sleep. She has the right to get angry.

" Ok, track the phone." I said.

" Already did, sir." He said.

" Which place is it showing?" I asked.

" Sir, Edwards house." He said and I sighed.

" Ok, I am going to deal with this." I said.

" Ok, sir." He said and I hung up.

I took a deep breath. Get ready to hear an earful from the lady. I dialed my number. After 3 rings the phone was picked up.

" Hello!!" I heard the voice and I got frozen. Is this her!!!

" Hello, sorry to bother you. But this phone is mine." I said.

" At last king of England has remembered that he had a phone which has been lost since last night?" She said angrily.

" I am extremely sorry. I know this phone has troubled you very much." I said and tried to convince her.

" Sorry!! Your sorry can make something better!!! Your secretary has threatened me 5 times that he will send me to the jail and your clients thought I am your girlfriend. They were congratulating me and one girl said she will behead me when she will see me" She busted angrily.

" You said nothing to her then?" I asked.

" I said I will cut her into pieces and feed her to my dog cause she was using nasty words." She said. I sighed. " Why am I explaining things to you? And you have to pay for ruining my sleep. Now tell me who you are before I throw your phone on the wall and it breaks."

" Well, I am sorry, Ms. Edwards. It's be Theodore Roberts." I said. I heard something rustling from the other side.

" Mr. Roberts!!! Oh, it's you?" She said. She must be sleeping. She couldn't recognize my voice.

" Yes and I am extremely sorry for this." I said.

" No, it's ok. I was just irritated by your secretary. She is annoying. She might have a crush on you." She said in her morning voice.

" Why didn't you tell her that you are Naomi. She could have understood." I said.

" I told her but she said she doesn't care and she doesn't believe me. So, when your PA called I scolded him too." She said and I smiled. What a girl!!!

" Ok, I am sorry for disturbing you. You go sleep. I will sent my PA to your office later and please turn off the phone for now." I said.

" Ok, bye." She said and hung up. I sighed.

Isn't this girl a volcano?? I shook my head. I am in a big trouble. I know that. Cause this is going to make me pay for falling for a Volcano. I sighed.

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