I Won't Let Him Down

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Naomi's POV

" Theo, this house is so beautiful. It's really really astonished me. It was made long back but still it's unique." I said. He smiled.

" Glad that you liked this house." He said.

" I loved this house. It's really very very beautiful." I said. He looked at me.

" What???" I asked.

" You are more beautiful than anything else in this world." He said.

" Really?" I asked.

" Yes." He said.

" Ahemm." I cleared my throat. "Well, I trust you." I said.

" Yes, you should." He said and took out his phone and gave it to me. I raised one of my eyebrows.

" Call your dad. He must be worried. I am not seeing your phone with you from a while." He said.

" I left it in car I guess. But I told Dad before I come here." I said.

" Good. But still call him for once I will tell them to arrange lunch then if you want we can stay here for a while. Or else we can go back. I will leave you home." He said.

" Let's have a tour of this house then." I said.

" As you wish." He said and smiled then left.

I dialed my dad's number. I waited for him to pick up.

" Hello." I heard my dad. He might thought it's Theo.

" Dad, it's me." I said.

" Princess, what happened?" Dad asked.

" Nothing happened, Dad. Don't worry. I am fine. And yes Theo told me everything." I said.

" I knew he will tell you sooner or later." Dad said.

" He trusts me." I said.

" Yes, he does and never break the trust." Dad said.

" I won't no worries." I said.

" Where are you?" Dad asked.

" Dad!!! Don't act like you don't know. You never let your radar down from me." I said and heard him chuckling.

" Well, I know where you are. Just come back before dinner. You know it's impossible for me to have dinner without you." He said and I smiled.

" Of course, Daddy. I will be home before that." I said.

" Bye then. Take care." Dad said.

" You too and take your medicines." I said.

" Of course, Princess." He said.

" Bye, Daddy." I said.

" Bye, Princess." Dad said and hung up.

I saw Theo coming back. He stood in front of me. I gave his phone back to him. He took it. He hold my hand and lead me to downstairs. Then he took me to the kitchen.

" They want to know what do you want to take in lunch?" He pointed at the chefs.

" She is Mary, she is Susan, she is Jenny and he is Jimmy." Theo said.

" Hello." I said and waved.

" She is Naomi. Naomi Edwards. I want you guys to make lunch on her demand." He said and his phone started to ring. " Excuse me." He said and walked out of the kitchen.

" Listen, do you guys know about his favorite dish?" I asked to make sure they know or not.

" Ma'am, sir use to have the same menu whenever he is here." Susan told me. I sighed.

" You guys can have a half day leave for today. I will handle these. You guys can go. Don't worry I will tell Theo." I said but were hesitating to go. I sighed and ordered them to go. They left this time. I started to prepare the lunch.

" Hey, what are you doing here?" I saw Theo entering the kitchen.

" Preparing lunch for us." I said.

" It's not your work. Where are the chefs?" He asked looking around the empty kitchen.

" I gave them a leave for today." I said.

" What?? Why?" He asked looking at me.

" Cause I wanted to show you that it's not only you who can cook." I said.

" I really didn't know this side of yours. I thought your hands only hit something and don't stop until it's broken." He said.

" Like this???" I took a glass and left it on the floor. He sighed.

" Sorry, sorry. I was just joking. I know you can cook. Cooking is an art. Every Italian girl should at least know one recipe. So, I count you on them." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him. He laughed.

" Theodore Roberts!!!!" I warned him.

" I'm not one of them. I can cook better than you." I said.

" Really?" He asked.

" Don't be so confident about yourself, Theo." I said.

" I am already." He said and I glared at him.

" Ok, ok, need any help to prepare the lunch?" He asked.

" No, get out of my kitchen." I said and pushed him out of the kitchen. He laughed and went towards the hall. I started to make the lunch. He came back after a while.

" Need any help, babe?" He asked.

" No, thanks. Go away." I said gesturing him to go back. I heard him chuckling. I didn't looked at him. I was busy preparing the lunch. He went away but a while back he came back again.

" Are you sure you don't need any help?" He asked.

" Should I write it on a banner and hung it on your neck?" I asked. He laughed.

" Yes, great idea." He said.

" Urrrghh, Theo. Don't irritate me." I said.

" Ok, don't hurt." He said. I took an onion and threw it to him. He caught it once. I walked towards him and stood a step away from him.

" Theo, go away and don't come back. If you came back you will see the hell of me. Now turn and go sit in the hall I will call you after lunch is served." I said him pointed the knife at him. " Am I clear!!" I said and he nodded then walked away. I sighed.

I made the lunch in one hour then I went to the hall to call Theo. But when I reached the hall I found no one. I was shocked where is he!!! I was about to call him but suddenly I saw someone laying on the couch. I sighed finding out it's Theo. I smiled. I waked him up and told him that the lunch was ready to serve. He went to get freshen up. We had our lunch together. Then he gave me a tour of the whole house. I was so overwhelmed seeing the Beautiful house. Then it was time to go back. Cause I needed to reach home before dinner. We're had had a good time together. He left me at my home. I smiled and waited until his car was visible to me. Then I smiled widely. I smiled and walked inside my house.

I want want to make him happy. I will never let him down. I smiled.

TJL#11#The Arrogant Heiress√Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum