Cruel Life!!!

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Naomi's POV

I was feeling boring. Stella's wedding is delayed for 7 days. The was the following week on Sunday. I was just sick sitting on the room all the day. The girls were excited planning various things. I was also in the plans but I was just thinking of roaming around the whole Melbourne. I was feeling suffocating. I just stood up and went to my room. I changed into my sports attire. I just wanted to walk in the park. I want to do some work out today. I am skipping this for days. I shouldn't do it. I need to keep myself fit.

I walked out of the room. I came downstairs and found the girls still chirping. I sighed. I walked out of the hall and I was about to get out of the house but suddenly my mom called me from back.

" Sweetie!!!" I heard my mom.

" Yes, mom." I said walking towards her.

" Where are you going? Girls are doing preparation. You should join them, love." My mom said touching my cheek.

Have I ever told you guys that my mom is the most beautiful woman in the world in my opinion??? I guess I didn't.

My mom is very very beautiful. She always looks so pretty. I think my mom is still stunning in her own way. She is still gorgeous. I just love her a lot but not more than my dad. Cause, my dad is the best person in this world. But still I got nothing from him. He is super calm and I am super angry. He is never in rage but I am almost every time in rage even if I am at fault I will get angry on me. I am just opposite of my dad. There is no similarities between me and dad but eyes. I got his brown eyes. Only that things matches between me and my dad the best person alive. Otherwise I have no similarities with him. I sighed.

" Mom, I was going on a walk. Feeling suffocating inside." I said.

" Don't you think you should be with them?" My mom asked.

" Yes, mom. I will be back soon. Then I will join them no worries. I am a part of this celebration too." I said to my mom.

" Alright then. Go and come back soon. Don't miss the celebration." She said and I nodded.

" No, mom. I won't." I said. " I will be back soon." I said and I was about to crossing the gate suddenly mom called me again.

" Naomi, Love!!!" My mom called me.

" Yes, mom!??" I said.

" How is Theodore's sister now?" My mom asked and I was shocked. How did mom know!!!!

" How do you know?" I asked.

" I think you are forgetting that I am Mrs. Edwards." My mom said and winked at me. I was speechless. I stared at her blankly.

" What!! Wanna know how did I know?" Mom asked. I nodded.

" Let it be secret for now." Mom said. I sighed. " How is she now?" Mom asked.

" She is fine now, mom. Almost she is ok. Getting well soon." I said. Mom smiled.

" Let's invite Theodore on a dinner when we go back to Milan. Let's talk with him once. I have some questions for him." My mom said and winked at me. I was speechless again.

" What?!! Don't you want to invite him?!!" My mom asked.

" Yes, yes, sure. I will tell him about this." I said.

" Good, now you go. I will be waiting for you. Come back soon. The girls will ask for you." My mom said.

" Tell them, I will come back early." I said and mom nodded. She went back to the house and I walked out of the house.

I was walking towards the park. It was almost afternoon. I walked down the street. I could feel the busy city around. They are rushing around. I saw this thing in Milan too. Same busy city life. It's like those thinking of getting success is leaving people blank and hollow in the sense of humanity. Just kick someone else and get your success. You no need to look behind for anyone else for your game. If you win means everything is ok for you.

I entered the park. I saw it's not that crowded. It's good I think. I don't like crowd usually. I started to run. I ran towards the lake. It was very remote area. But do I look like I care!!! I ran towards the area. I ran for a while and I was tired. I sat on the bench near the lake. Suddenly I heard a loud shriek. As I turned I found an old man running and some goons were following him. He was holding a bag tightly over his chest and running away. I immediately understood that and called the cops. But till then I need to help the man. I ran after them quietly. Suddenly they shot the man and I hide behind the tree. Then I saw the man still running away. I slowly reached the last man and covered his mouth then kicked him hard. His gang was far away couldn't hear him shouting. I took his gun and silencer. I went to get the next one. I just hide behind the tree and picked out the gun then shot the guy on his leg. He shouted and his friends looked behind. I ran ahead and reached the man hiding behind the trees so that the gang couldn't find me. I saw him laying on the ground closing eyes. He got shots. I hurriedly reached him.

" Don't worry, sir. I have called the cops. They must be coming." I said and sat beside him.

" go...go..awa..away.." he was saying with so much difficulties.

" Just hold on a minute, sir. Cops are coming." I said and hold his hands. I heard cops car reaching this area.

" Sir, cops are almost here." I said.

" Please, aahhh.... Please, take bag a..and give...give it daughter... Her number ... is in They thought there their armor suits in bag...aahh... I thought..our ba...bag...has been...been exchanged...there savings of whole life... please... please..give it to my daughter." He said.

" Ok, sir. No worries I will do it. You can relax." I said.

" Ms. Edwards." I heard and saw a cop there.

" Yes, me. Please help him." I said and took his bag and phone to call his daughter.

We took him to the hospital and he was gone after a while we reached the hospital. I was still in shock. I called his daughter. She was just crying hearing it. I told her to get the bag after the funeral. I took it with me.

I came back home and got a nice scolds from my mom. I was so upset. I went to my room. I kept the bag on my bed and went to the bathroom then took a long soothing shower. I came out and took the bag then placed it on the ground. I heard something like metal hitting on the ground. I immediately understood the poor man!!!! They were right the bag was exchanged. I opened it and found a jacket full of hidden pocket and there was almost all kinds of hand armour. I sighed and took it back. I called Diego and told him to send me an amount of cash transferred into Australian currency. I keep the bag inside my closet. How cruel the life is!!!! The man who didn't even know anything has to give his life for these ugly things. I sighed. How cruel!!!

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