Not Sure

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Naomi's POV

" I am sure, she is not coming." Stella said.

" Why are you saying bad?" I said.

" I was trying to tell you the reality." Stella said.

" I think Stella is right." Bella said.

" Yes, look. It's almost 12:00 PM now." Tasha said.

" Let's check some wedding gowns at least." RD said.

" No, we will start once she reaches." I said.

" Why are you so stubborn?" Natalie asked me.

" It's not about stubbornness but it's about Theo's wish." I said.

" Theo's wish matters for you, matters for us but doesn't matter for Mrs. Hill. Why would she come?" Tasha asked.

" Yes, I don't find any reason either." RD said.

" Cinderstella, ice cream?" Tris asked. I smiled at the baby. He is still our little one though he is grown up a bit.

" I too want ice cream." Natasha whined.

" Baby, ice cream is coming." Stella said.

I looked at Stella and Tris then smiled. Once Tasha was very worried about Tris. She was so tensed how Tris will grow up without a mother!!! But look now, he has got a mother who loves him more than anything and who is definitely never going to be able to live without him. I kissed Tris' cheek. He gave me a billion dollar smile. What a kid is ours!!! I smiled back at him.

" Good morning!!!!" I heard a familiar voice. I knew who is that.

" Good morning, Candy." Stella said and I smiled. Yes, Cindy and she entered with Ann. They two are like part and parcel. Always together. they became best friends in past few months. Very cute girls.

" Good morning, Ann." I said.

" Good morning, Good morning." Ann said. She is such a sweetheart.

" So, what's going on?" Cindy asked.

" Ice cream." Tris said and Ann took out some chocolates.

" Try them baby. They are too good." Ann said and gave the chocolates to make Tris stopped whining. Thanks God!!!

" What's going on, Naomi? Haven't you still chosen your wedding dress?" Cindy asked.

" Actually, she is waiting for her mother in law." RD said.

" Oh, that's great." Cindy said.

" Not great worst. She is nothing like your mother in law." Tasha said.

" Yes, my mother in law is too much sweet." Cindy said.

" At last you stuck with Steve again." I said.

" Stupid possessive guy." Cindy gritted.

" Yes, only yours." Ann said.

" By the way, how come he left you alone today?" Tasha asked.

" Here, ma'am. It's Ann's magic." Ann said pulling her invisible collar.

" Very good. But tell me will my Mother in law come today?" I asked as now even I was feeling like she won't come. I thought at least she will come this time.

" I think she won't. We should go ahead." Stella said.

" I am missing Ellie." Natasha said. I can't deny that I am missing her too.

" We have understand princess, she is going to give us the first kids of next generation. I am excited to see them. I just want them to come soon." I said.

" Me too. I am eagerly waiting for them." Tasha said.

" Now, I won't be her princess anymore?!!" Natasha said with a small tone.

" No little princess, you are always her princess no matter what happens." I said kissing her cheeks.

" But for now she needs to take care of herself. Cause, she is going to have twins." Bella said.

" Yes, I know. Poor Steffan, he has to take the mood swings and crazy attitude of Ellie." Bella said.

" He would do it anyway. He loves her a lot." Stella said.

" That's true." I said and smiled thinking about them.

" Here." Tris gave me his chocolate and I took a little bite from it. Isn't he too much cute!!!

" Yes, she is almost there." Bella said.

" No worries still have one month." Stella said.

" She will attend my wedding ceremony. She promised me. But is this right?? I mean I shouldn't have asked her to come in this situation." I said.

" Traveling in this state is not good. But you know Ellie won't miss your wedding ceremony." Natalie said and I nodded. I knew it very well that she won't. I sighed.

" At last, you are getting married!!!" Stella said.

" Yes, I am." I said.

" Still feeling like dreaming. I think boys are scared of you." Bella said.

" Obviously they do but Theo is special." I said.

" Obviously, he is." Tasha said.

" Are you trying to tease me?" I said.

" Or what?" She said.

" No use, she doesn't blush." Natasha said.

" Very well." Tasha said and sighed.

" What are you thinking about, RD? Only you , Natalie, Natasha and Ann are left in this gang." Bella said.

" Left for what?" RD asked.

" Getting married or what?" Stella asked.

" Natalie, Natasha and Ann are still young but it's your number after Naomi." Tasha said.

" No, not at all." RD said.

" Obviously." Bella, Tasha and Stella said unison.

" When are you 3 getting pregnant you think  about?" RD asked and I laughed.

" Why are you suddenly interested in kids?" Bella asked.

" Cause, then you will be busy with your kids and leave me alone in my life." RD said.

" Don't think we are going to abandon you like this." I said.

" Yes, sooner or later, you have to get married." Tasha said.

" I prefer later. I still want to have fun in life. It's not a time to spoil my life by getting married with some stupid." She said.

" Getting married is a beautiful feeling. Just get married. You will understand." Bella said.

" I don't want to get married." RD said.

" Why can't you?" I asked.

" I hate boys but I love to play games with them. Breaking their heart is a fantastic feeling." RD said.

" What!!! It's not at all a fantastic feeling to break someone's heart." I said.

" For me it is. Don't you know they call me Cleopatra? Cause, I am a venomous witch." RD said as always. I just don't know why she hates boys that extend. I sighed.

" But RD, -" Stella was saying but suddenly the door opened. The next moment we saw Mrs. Hill entering the cabin. We all stood up. She had a bandage on her head and arm. I was shocked. What's wrong with her!!!

" Mrs. Hill!!! What happened? Are you alright?" I asked.

" Yes." She said in a  flat tone.

" But you are looking weak. Are you sure you are ok?" Tasha asked.

" I have other things to do, girls. If you want to waste my time then I better leave." She said coldly. I sighed.

" Sure, come. We won't take long." I said. She followed me. I don't know what's wrong with her. I am not sure why she came also!!!

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