Not True!!!

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Naomi's POV

I entered the house and reached the hall. I sat on the couch. I hugged myself and leaned back. I closed my eyes. I tried to make myself calmed down.

" Where were you, Nemo?" I heard Ellie saying and she sat beside me.

" I was out for some work. What happened?" I asked.

" No, just like that. I was searching for you. Nothing happened." She said.

" Why were you searching for me? Do you want to tell me something?" I asked.

" No, I want to go to the doctor here. So, I wanted you to come with me."Ellie said.

" Are you ok?? What happened!?" I asked her.

" Yes, I am fine. I just wanted to go for monthly check ups." She said a bit hesitatingly.

" Are you sure?" I asked.

" Yes, I am sure. Just was feeling a little bit nausea. I am fine otherwise." I said.

" Let's go to the doctor then." I said and stood up holding her hands.

" Relax, I went to the doctor with Steffan." She said smilingly.

" Oh, ok ok. What did the doctor say?" I asked.

" She gave me some medicines and told me to take rest. She told me to take care of myself and not to be tensed. You know which is not at all possible. I am hell worried about Stella." Ellie said.

" Don't worry, Ellie. She will be perfectly fine. She is our Stella who is anything but weak. She will fight with this situation. No worries she will be fine." I said.

" I know but still I am hell worried. I don't know how to stay calm in this situation. Every time I think about the incident it scares me like hell. What if Cindy wasn't there that day??? I don't even want to know. I don't." Elle said and I hugged her.

" Ssssssshhh, everything is fine, Ellie. We shouldn't talk about those things which eventually didn't happen. Let's not talk about it." I said.

" I know everything but still I get scared thinking about it. I feel devastated." Ellie said.

" Don't." I said.

" Trying to convince myself." She said.

" Yes, are you sure you don't have any other problems?" I asked.

" Yes, Nemo. I am fine." She said and I nodded my head.

" But tell me one thing." She said and I looked at her.

" Where were you from morning? I couldn't find you anywhere. I called you but your phone was switched off. Alan told you went to meet one of your old friend?" Ellie asked. I sighed.

" Yes, I.. yeah, kind of yes." I said.

" Who is that friend? Do I know him or her?" Ellie asked me.

" Uhh, an old friend who moved on here. Just met him in the coffee shop. Then we talked for a while." I lied.

" Only talked?" Ellie asked smirkingly.

" Yes, only talked." I said.

" Alright, I will get convinced. But if I am not wrong, you were wearing a black crop top and red hoodie when you left home. I am longer finding them on you and the size of the shirt is saying that it's not yours. It's of someone's who is taller than you and a bit healthier too." Ellie said and again smirked.

" It's just, uhhh, I accidentally poured coffee on my own body. So, I needed to change and I borrowed one from my friend." I said and smiled. " What are friends for?" I said.

" No 'Friends With Benefits' right?!!" She asked.

" No worries Ellie, nothing like that. I am not ' Friends With Benefits' type. I don't need benefits, I was lifetime lasting profits."  I said.

" Very good. I knew you will answer like this. You always make me feel so proud of yourself." Ellie said and I chuckled.

" I didn't know that. But if it's like that then I am glad about that." I said.

" You should know that." Ellie said.

" Where are the others?" I asked.

" They are in the balcony. Talking about some accident took place in Sydney." She said.

" What kind of accident?" I asked. Meryl too had an accident today.

" A school bus lost the control and fall into the deep fosse beside the road. It was going on a tour for camping and that trip turned into a terrible one. Many of the students are injured badly and fighting for their lives. None died till now but there are critical situations too. Only God can help them now. I just pray that they get well soon." Ellie said and I am sure Meryl was one of the students.

" Oh, God!!!" I said. " This is very very painful for the parents to see their loving kids in this situation." I said and thought about Theo. Theo was very worried.

" Yes, I agree." She said and I sighed deeply. We talked for a while and then I stood up.

" I will be back after changing." I said and Ellie nodded.

I went to my room and took off the shirt and went to the washroom. I got freshen up and wear something comfortable. I decided to call Theo. But then I thought he must be in jet now. No use of call him now. I need to wait until he reaches there. This waiting will be the deadliest waiting of my life. It's feeling so horrible. I just want to go to Sydney and find out Meryl's health. Theo was too scared. I have never seen Theo like this. He was totally messed.

I stood up and dialed a number. It was picked up in 3rd ring.

" Hello, Ms. Ronald!!!" I called to Theo's PA.

" Mr. Edwards!!! What happened? Any problem?" He asked.

" Do you know where Theo is now? His phone is switched off." I said.

" Don't worry he is in flight, must be." He said to me.

" Ok, Mr. Ronald. But do you know how Meryl is now?" I asked. But he was silent.

" Tell me." I insisted. He sighed a big time." Ms. Hill is not in a good state. She has lost a huge amount of blood. Her head was hit on the window of the bus and it was damaged. She got a deep wound. She has a 50/50 chance." He said.

" 50/50!!!" I asked.

" Yes, life or death." He said. Please tell me it's not true. Please!!!

I was just praying for Meryl and Theo both. If something happens like that Theo will be broken down completely. He is already messed. I don't know what is going to happen. I was waiting for a positive thing. I wish this all wasn't true!!!!

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