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Theodore's POV

" Mr. Gilbert, your deal was very impressive but I am not interested." I said.

" Think about it again, Mr. Roberts." He said.

I am not that fool. I can understand what he is trying to do. Nice try Mrs. Hill. But I told you I am also Theodore Roberts. I am heir of my dad. I will not let him down. Mrs. Hill, just start countdown, your destruction is coming towards you.

" I thought thousands of times." I said sipping my coffee.

" Well, then I don't think I have anything to do with you." He said.

" Yeah. I think so." I said.

" Ok, then. I will be going, Mr. Roberts. It was nice to meet you." He said.

" Same here." I said and we shook hand. I smiled a bit.

Theo 1, Mrs. Hill 0.

Mr. Gilbert was leaving. Suddenly the door bursted open. The next moment I saw Jeremy entering the room following Naomi.

" Mr. Gilbert, please come with me." Jeremy said and gestured me to look at Naomi.

I closed my files and looked at her as she sat on the couch looking down. She was slightly trembling. I was shocked. What has happened with her?!!

" Hey!!!" I called her. She looked at me for a moment and looked down again.

" Hey, what's wrong?!" I asked her and sat beside her. I found her still looking down. I slowly made her look at the. As I found her eyes puffy and red it made me alert at once that there is something bad happened.

"  What happened, Love? Look at me. Look here." I cupped her face and made her look at me. But her eyes were closed. Suddenly, I saw two teardrops on her cheek which made me so shocked. Can you believe that Naomi Edwards is crying?!! No, Right? But she is at this time.

" Hey!!Hey!!!" I told her. " Look, here. Open your eyes." I said. She choked and I gave her a glass of water. I made her drink it. She went silent then.

" Aren't you telling me why were you crying?" I asked. She shook her head. I sighed.

" Ok, you no need to tell me." I said. She was silent.

" Stella!!" She mumbled.

" Stella?" I was trying to figure it out what can be happened. I knew about Stella cause Naomi use to talk about all. Stella was Steffan's cousin and Naomi's friend. Very close friend actually. Has something happened with her!!!!

" What happened with her?" I asked.

" Theo, she is in coma." She said and I was shocked.

[ This part of the story is showing the part when Stella losing her memory]

" What!!!!" I just could say.

" Yes." She said trying hard to hide her tears but failed terribly.

" What happened tell me clearly." I said.

" Someone tried to kill her. She was hit by something heavy on the back of her head. She is in coma now. " She said and I was shocked. It's not what I wanted to hear from anyone.

" Tried to kill her??!! But why?" I asked.

" I don't know." She said. I nodded.

" But why will someone kill her?" I asked myself. I looked at Naomi.

" I don't know, I don't know anything." She said and I hugged her tightly.

" Can you please tell me why she has to gone through the pains around?" She asked. I hold her closely and she sobbed.

" Want to go there?" I asked. I knew she was dying to meet her friend.

" You should go, if you're not comfortable here." I said.

" I just want to see her. I just don't want to live I this situation." She said and looked around.

" Just don't cry. Tears doesn't suit you. And tears can't solve any issues. Can it?" I asked and she looked at me weirdly.

" I want to go Melbourne." She stated.

" Sure, you need to go." I said.

" Why this so cruel now?" Suddenly she mumbled.

" What are you thinking?" She asked.

" Nothing special." I said.

" I will be leaving tomorrow. I need to see her for once with my own eyes. The poor girl who deserves to be happy now." She said and sighed "Why do she needs to take such pains?" She asked.

" Which thing are you telling about!!!" I said and she sighed.

" She loves Flynn but he keeps ignoring her. She is too hurt already. And now!!! She is fighting for her life. I am feeling horrible, Theo. Feeling blank. I am not feeling well. I am feeling like pathetic human being. I don't know why. I couldn't help her. She is now struggling in hospital bed. What kind of friend am I?!!" She asked and I hugged her at once.

" You are a very good friend, I know that." I said to her.

" I don't know. I want to go by tomorrow. I want to be there as soon as it possible." She said.

" Fine, you will. Now don't worry." I tried to convince her.

" Theo, I will go and I don't know when I'll be back. Cause, it's matter of something very sensitive. We maybe won't be meeting for a long time. Just one thing I wanted to tell you is, I love you. I can't process my head until I see everything with my own eyes. I am so messed after I heard this news. I want to make it clear." She said and hugged me tightly.

" I can understand this. If I were you, I would have reacted the same way. I know you are right in your own position. But don't spoil your health. She will be fine. I got a feeling that everything will be ok." I said patting her head softly.

" I hope so. I just hope so. I too want everything settles down properly. I don't want to lose anyone. I know how does it feel!!!" She said and sobbed. I was feeling horrible now seeing a girl like her in this state.

" Don't cry, don't worry. Everything will be fine." I said and kissed her head. She didn't say anything just hugged me tightly. I just could feel how much she was afraid at this moment. Seeing her like this is  horrible.

TJL#11#The Arrogant Heiress√Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora