His Reactions

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Naomi's POV

I know it was my evil idea to keep it secret. But I couldn't control myself from playing this evil thing. I know I am a evil girl. But I am really waiting to see his reaction. I saw him driving away from Edwards House as he left me at my place, I was just smiling like an idiot thinking about him. He was super nervous about the thing that he needs to meet my family tonight at dinner. I mean I know it's new for him. He used to be alone always. And my family is too big to adjust for him for the first time. I don't know what to think but I really want to see his reaction tonight. I am feeling excited. I just smiled. It's going to be hell out of fun.

I ran and entered inside the house. I stepped in and at once I got hit by a tennis ball. It got me really good. I hold my wrist tightly and looked around to find out the terrible twos. They are definitely behind this. I sighed when I couldn't find them.

" It was really hard." I said and walked towards the kitchen. I heard footsteps behind me. I smiled.

I entered the kitchen and got some ice then started to rubbing on my wrist. It turned into blue because of blood clotting. Suddenly the ice was snatched from my hand and the next moment I found my twins. They started to apply ice on my wrist very smoothly and carefully. I chuckled seeing them like this.

" Well, who threw it? It was really good throw." I said and they didn't answer.

" Oh, come on." I said them. " It's ok, sweethearts." I smiled at them. They were like almost crying.

" My babies." I said and hugged them both.

" Sorry, Nemo." They said unison very softly.

" It's ok and I am fine. But kids!!! I want to tell you 3 things clearly." I said and they looked at me.

" 1. It's tennis ball and should be used in tennis not throwing here and there.

2. Playing inside house is forbidden.

3. Tonight you two should be good boys and no fun, no insanity." I said. They looked at each other and smirked.

"  Am I clear?" I asked though I knew they are doing something evil tonight. I sighed.

" No evil acts." I warned them.

" Who said we will do something evil?" Liam asked.

" Your faces are saying it clearly what you are going to do." I said and sighed.

" No, Nemo. Relax. We won't." Luke said and I narrowed my eyes at them.

" If you guys do something evil you're grounded." I said them to warn them.

" We won't. No worries, Nemo." Liam said and winked.

" I swear I have a bad feeling about you two kids." I said but they smiled at me very sweetly which did nothing but made my doubt strong on them. I don't know what they are going to do. Side effects of having evil kids around.

" Alright, kids. Go, do your work cause I too need some rest now. I am hell dead tired." I said and walked upstairs towards my room.

I straight went to the bathroom and took a shower. Then changed into something comfortable and walked out. I just jumped on the bed and pulled the duvet on myself. It didn't take a moment for sleep to take me over. I was sleeping like a dead person. I don't know how long I slept. I wake up as my alarm was shouting horribly. No, not my phone it was Liam. He was shouting at my ears.

This kid will never change. How many time I told him not to shout at my ears when I am sleeping. But he is in no mood of follow my instructions. Stupid boy. But, I love him a lot. Can't help it. I sighed.

" What happened, little one? Why are you shouting like a crow?" I asked him.

" I am not a crow, Nemo. But you are definitely a lazy lady." He said still shouting.

" Stop shouting. I am not deaf. But if you keep shouting like I will definitely become deaf." I said.

" Wake up, it's already 6:00 PM." He said and I jumped.

" What!!!!" I looked at the clock. It was already 6:00 PM.

I quickly got down from the bed and ran to the washroom. I got fresh and then got out of the washroom. I looked at the clock and it was 7:00 PM. The might got out of house by now. I called him. He didn't receive at first. Then I called him again. This time he received the call and said he was sleeping. I sighed. Some time I feel we have a lot of similarities. I told him to come soon. I changed my dress and walked downstairs. I was waiting for Theo.

" Someone is waiting for someone." Liam said sitting beside me.

" Stop teasing her." Luke said. Both smirked then.

" I will see you both later. Remember you will be in this situation too, kids." I said and winked at them.

" Ma'am, Mr. Roberts has reached already." Some maid said.

" Oh, thank you." I said and walked out of the hall and found him standing there.

I knew he was very much nervous. Poor Theo. I walked towards him and tugged myself with him to make him feel comfortable. As we reached the dining hall the dinner was served and everyone joined. Liam came and sat beside Theo. He got a glare from me as he was smirking at Theo to make him more nervous.

My family members started to talk with Theo like a family member. But still he was a bit uncomfortable. My dad asked him about his business plans. He was talking about his business plans. Then my mom out of nowhere pulled the topic. She directly asked him about his future plans. I could see he was shocked. Very very shocked actually. I smiled.

" So, what do you think, Theo?". My mom asked.

" I umm...me, I mean... It's..." He was shuttering. I just sighed. Why is he shuttering now!!! He got too much nervous. I can feel it.

" It's yes from him, mom." I said and he looked at me shocked. He was looking at me with widen eyes.

" What!!? Isn't it?" I asked.

" No...I mean yes.. I mean why are you so straight forward?" He asked and sighed.

" Why making it long when one word is enough?? It's your rule Theo. Not mine." I said.

" I know but." He sighed deeply. "Ok, if you say so." He said to me." Mrs. Edwards, I have no one from my side to take a decision from me or attend in this. So, it will be ok for me whatever you will think is right." He said.

" That means, it's a big fat yes from you, right?" My aunty asked. Theo just nodded and smiled. Didn't I tell that Theo has a lot of similarities with my dad??

But his reaction was epic. I smiled in satisfaction at last this is really happening.

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