By Hook Or By Crook

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Naomi's POV

" He hung up on me!!!!!!" I shouted at Alan on phone.

" Why did you directly said no to him? Anyone would have acted like this." Alan said.

" I. Didn't. Said. No. To. Him." I gritted.

" Then you said yes?!!!" He asked.

" Nooooooo, I didn't said yes either." I said frustratedly. Why does my bothers need to be this stupid always!!!

" Then you said no." He stated.

" Urrrghh, Alan Tellan!!!!!!" I gritted.

" There is no meaning of Tellan, right?" He asked me. " Or there is?"

" Don't bother me stupid if you don't want to get killed." I said to him.

" I thought you and Bella are close friends." He said.

" Yes, we are so??" I asked.

" Can you make your friend widow?" He asked.

" I too thought we were cousins and you will help me out from this situation. But I was wrong." I said.

" No, you are not wrong. We are cousin. But what can I do in this?" He asked.

" You are super duper stupid. You don't deserve Bella. She deserves better than you." I lied.

" Hey!!" He said.

" What!!! Truth is always bitter." I said.

" Alright, don't start again. I am trying to do something." He said.

" What will you do in this matter?" I asked.

" You said a while ago to do something, Nemo." He said.

" That's what I am asking what will you do?" I asked.

" I don't know myself. How will I tell you?" He asked.

" Urrrghh, then what will you do?" I asked.

" I am thinking about it." He said.

" Yeah, think think." I said.

" Bye, Nemo. Don't be angry. Your anger is devastating." He said,"and I pity Theo. Poor him." He joked. He got a gut to joke in this situation!!!

" Shut up, stupid!!! Hell with you." I said and hung up. I threw the phone and it crushed down.

I clutched my head. I should have informed Diego. He could have took some way before. But now!!! It all messed up. I was thinking about what to do. I was wondering what can I do now. Suddenly, I remember now only one person can give me a right direction. I took the landline and dialed her number.

" Hello!!" She said and I sighed.

" It's me." I said.

" Nemo, what happened? Is it true?" Ellie asked.

" Ellie, it is not like everyone is thinking." I said.

" Then?" She asked.

" We just went to have a cup of coffee. Nothing romantic like they are spreading this news. I will go mad. My employees and associates are even congratulating me. What kind of crazy hell situation is this!!!" I said.

" You are trying to say there is nothing like that?" She asked.

" No, there is nothing." I said.

" Are you sure?" She asked.

" Well, I.." I sighed. " I am confused." I said.

" Confused?" She asked.

" Yes, very very confused." I said.

" And why so?" She asked.

" I don't know. I feel weird around him." I said.

" Weird?" She asked.

" Yes, weird." I said.

" Like?" She asked.

" Like I feel there is something in him. His eyes to be exact. His eyes are so beautiful which became a weakness." I said.

" Girl, go talk with him in person." She said.

" He hung up on me." I said.

" When?" She asked.

" A while ago." I said and sighed.

" What did you tell him?" She asked. I told her everything that happened. It was crazy to explain. Ellie listened to me carefully. She didn't interrupt. She was silent. I finished explaining everything happened in these 2 days and wishing for her to understand my situation.

" Look, Nemo, situation is still under control. Nothing has gone out of control. It can go out of control if you let your anger step into your brain and kick your brain out of your skull box. Theodore was right. You shouldn't have reacted in front of the paparazzi." She said.

" You know, I hate being viral. It's worst thing for me." I said.

" I know but now it has happened now we can't stop it. Handle the situation with your brain not with your anger. Go, little flower. You can do it." She said.

" Little flower has bloomed up fully." I said.

" Then big flower. Happy?" She asked and we both laughed.

" Why can't our brothers be a bit helpful too?" I asked.

" You and Alan fought again, right?" She asked.

" How do you know?" I asked.

" No wonder you only complain whenever you fought with Alan and Eddie." She said. She is right. " Besides, he called me before you. He was tensed about you. He told me to talk with you. I was just going to call you but you called me." She said and I sighed. " Why do you guys fight when you both are so worried about each other?" She asked.

" I don't know." I said. Yes, it was true Alan and me, we both were more like siblings. But we fight always. It's weird I know. " As always he started." I said.

" Theodore is Alan's college friend." She said.

" Oh, really?? That's why he was taking his side!!! I will kill Alan for real." I said.

" Calm down, calm down." Ellie said. I heard her blowing air on me. I sighed. Ellie sometimes act like a little girl.

" Ok, I am going to talk with him face to face." I said to Ellie.

" Good girl and best of luck." She said. " And don't punch him in anger. Just control over your anger." She said.

" Ok, bye. I am going." I said.

" Bye, take care." She said.

Control on your anger don't kick anyone.

Control your anger and don't break his face.

Control your anger and deal with the situation.

Control your anger and ignore the paparazzi.

Control your anger and calm down at first.

I kept saying to myself. I was just thinking about it I need to do it. I took my car's key and came out of my office.

You can do it Naomi. Don't let things go out of your control. You always win. By hook or by crook.

I started for Roberts office building.

No, Theo!! You are wrong. You can't hung up on me. You can't shut me down. You just can't.

TJL#11#The Arrogant Heiress√Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora