Invitation Card

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Naomi's POV

" Thank you so much." I said to the person who showed me the way to Mrs. Hill's cabin.

If you guys are wondering, yes I am in Hill's office building. Yeah, I need to come as you all know what Theo told me that night. He wants his mom choose me my wedding gown and his family attend the wedding ceremony. I need to convince them anyhow. I want to fulfill his wishes. His every single wish is my responsibility to fulfill them.

We are going to get married. It doesn't matter that only he keeps showing that he loves me. I too need to show it up. Specially when Theo never experienced his happiness without a loss. I won't let him lose this time. I just want he always smiles and become happy. I want to fulfill his every single wishes.

His wishes which he wished for wedding day is a bit difficult but not impossible, there is nothing that is impossible. And for Naomi there is a fake word in the dictionary. That is 'failure'. It's not my word. I never lose. If I want to do something there is no one who will be able to stop me. Is there??? If Theo wants his mom to choose me my wedding dress she will do so and she will attend the wedding ceremony along with her family. I will make her do so. I smirked.

I took the lift and pressed the 17th floor's button. The lift was opened at the last moment before closing and a man of middle age entered into the lift. I stepped back and gave him a space to stand there. I stood a step behind. The man just entered he looked at me for once then smiled friendly. I smiled back at him.

" I thought, Ms. Edwards, you cancelled the deal with us." He said and I raised one of my eyebrows.

" You? I mean pardon me, I didn't recognize you." I said politely.

" You shouldn't recognize me, cause we have never met before." He said and I nodded.

" I am Jacob Hill. You can say that I am owner of Hill's Enterprise." He said.

My eyes widened at once. My blood boiled at it's highest point. I kept a straight face and controlled myself not to kick this evil stupid old fool.

" Very nice to meet you, Mr. Hill." I said calmly.

I don't want to create a scene here. I am here for my Theo. I want his wish be fulfilled. Only for this I need to keep quiet for now. I want him to be happy in his own wedding. I want he always stays happy. He suffered enough no more. I promised myself that I will keep him happy every single day in his life ahead. Never a single time I will let anything snatch his smile. I will take care of these matters from now and onwards. I am going to do the first thing I need to do for now.

" Nice to meet you too, Ms. Edwards." He told me. " By the way, suddenly you here in our office building?" He asked me. I smiled sweetly.

" Actually, I am going to be Mrs. from Ms. very soon. This why I came here." I said him smilingly.

" Oh, congratulations, Ms. Edwards." He said extending his hands towards me. I looked at the hand for a moment, then smiled and shook his hand.

" Thank you so much, Mr. Hill." I said.

" But I still didn't get you why are you?" He said. Now it's time to trap two birds in one trap. I smiled.

" First of all, my family want to invite everyone involved with our family business. As once we had a term so I am here to invite you and your family. Actually, I never had met you but I met your wife once. I was going to meet her and the second reason is your clothing line. I heard about your clothing lines. They are amazing. I want your textile section makes me a wedding attire." I said.

" Quite impressive." He said.

" I know I have cancelled our deal but in my wedding ceremony there will be a lot of people who are our business associates and from various countries. Many of them will be from textile based companies like you. They will be interested in working with you. Besides the media has an extra attention towards wedding attire. So, I think you should accept this proposal." I said smilingly.

" Hmm, young lady very impressive but in this case Mrs. Hill takes the last decision. I can't tell anything but I quite like this proposal. I will talk with her personally." He said.

" Same here. I am also going to talk with her personally." I said.

" Sure, I think you will able to handle her." He said.

" At least, I can try." I said.

" Yes, you can." He said.

" I wanted to ask you one thing. If you and your full family attend my wedding ceremony we will be very happy." I said.

" Yes, of course. We will come." He said.

" Thank you so much, Mr. Hill." I said. He nodded and walked out of the lift. I followed him.

Who can say seeing that face that he has destroyed a family, made a prince live in an orphanage, snatched his properties. I wish I could break every single bone of his body so that he could realize what he has done!!!

' Control Naomi control. You will get more than enough time in your life to do so after your wedding. Just don't mess up now when everything is going on smoothly.' I said myself and at the same time we reached the cabin of Mrs. Hill.

" Ok, all the best, young lady." Mr. Hill said.

" Thank you, Mr. Hill." I said and extended my invitation card towards him.

" Give it to Mrs. Hill. After all we are going together. Besides, I have a board meeting now." He said.

" Ok, then. Nice to meet you." I said and he nodded. Then he left and I entered the cabin as the door was opened and I  knocked on the door.

" Come in." I heard her voice.

" Good morning, Mrs. Hill." I said and her eyes widened at once.

" Good morning, Ms. Edwards." She said. " What a pleasant surprise!!!" She mocked.

" Yes, I think so." I said.

" How can I help you?" She asked.

" Umm, alright. I am here to invite you on my wedding." I said and her eyes widened at once. I gave her the invitation card. She took the card and looked at it with widen eyes. She slowly touched it.

" So, finally Theo has decided to get married? Not bad. At least, there is someone who like him." She said but her voice seemed very weak compare to usual rude one.

" We are expecting you and your family in our wedding. It will be nice of you if you come." I said. She looked at me and then looked away. But didn't say anything.

" Why have you come to invite me?" She asked me without looking at me.

" Cause, my family want to invite all the business related person in my wedding." I lied.

" Truth please?" She asked. I sighed.

" Your son whom you don't want to accept but he I don't know why loves you that much, he wants you to attend his wedding ceremony with your family and choose a wedding dress for me. But don't think that he has sent me here. He didn't. He doesn't even know I am here. Just I want to fulfill his wishes about our wedding. It's your wish you want to fulfill or not. But only one thing I can say, if I were you at least I did these things for him. But I know, no use of speaking with you about these things. You won't anyway. But my duty was at least trying. I tried." I said but she didn't say a word just kept staring at the wedding invitation card.

" Well, Mrs. Hill. I think I should go now. If you by any chance which is impossible but still get agreed, I will go to GS store tomorrow to talk about my wedding dress, if you want you can come." I said and walked out of her cabin at once.

' I am sorry, Theo. At least I have tried.' I said to myself and walked out of Hill's office building.

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