Let's Wish For Good Thing

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Naomi's POV

" This one is perfect." Stella told me.

" Ok, let me try." I said.

" When did you bought this closet full dresses?" Natasha asked.

" I didn't buy them. Theo bought them." I said trying the dress on mirror.

" Really?!!!" Natalie asked.

" Yes, he did." I said.

" He is too sweet." Tasha said and I smiled.

" Yes, kind of." I said.

" He is always. What are you saying?! I have never seen Alan being this sweet." Bella said and sighed.

" And he is affecting Theo too much. Now he has also started to act stupid like Alan." I said. Bella sighed deeply.

" Everything is not like what we want. Alan is Alan. Can't help that." Bella said.

" Flynn wasn't like that before. Now joining this clan this 'Stupid' virus has gotten him too." Stella said.

" I have no say. Cause, Alan is a kid in front of Edwin. He is just..." She sighed.

" I think Edwin has spoilt Alan like this." I said honestly.

" I agree." Tracy said.

" Where is Finn?" I asked Tracy.

" He is with Tris. Why?" Stella said.

" You told yesterday that he is sick. This why I asked." I said.

" He got a fever on your wedding day. Now is almost well." Tasha said.

" Where is RD, Cindy and Ann?" Natasha asked.

" They are coming. Just got stuck in traffic." Natalie said.

" They should come early. We need to get ready soon." Tasha said.

" Still have 5 hours, girls." I said.

" No, we must be early. Guest must've reached by then." Bella said.

" You know, girls. I am still shocked how Cindy at last end up with Mr. Blankfein. I am still shocked cause she didn't even wanted to be around him. She even ran away from wedding once." Stella said and I was shocked.

" What?!! Why?" Tasha asked.

" I don't know. Just she did it. Again she has got married with him. I am just not able to figure it out. Whenever I asked her, she was like everything happened because God wished it happens like this." Stella said.

" There is something." Natalie said.

" Definitely." Bella said.

" But it's ok until she is very happy with him." I said.

" That's what I always talk about." Stella said.

" Missing Ellie." I said.

" She can't travel much. She will directly go to the vanue to attend the reception ceremony." Bella said.

" Good then." Tasha said.

" Hey, girls!!!" I heard RD.

" Hey!!!" Natalie said.

" Where are Ann and Cindy?" I asked.

" They are coming." She said and came inside. " What are you doing?" She asked me.

" Choosing a dress." I said.

" Oh, go ahead." She said and sat next to Tasha.

" Hello, girls!!!" I heard a squeal and Ann entered the room and Cindy was following her.

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