Love Is Evergreen

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Theodore's POV

" What the hell is wrong with you?" I heard Alan entering my cabin.

" I don't know. Everything is right with me." I said.

" I am talking about you, Theo." He said.

" About me?!! Mmm, yeah. I am Theodore Roberts. I am 25. I have just got married 2 days back and forth love my wife more than anything. All about me." I said.

" I haven't said about your bio-data." He said. I knew I was just irritating him.

" I was asking why are you here still now?" He asked.

" It's my office. I can come here anytime I want." I said.

" Yeah you can." He said to me.

" Then?" I asked.

" I am not talking about that." He said.

" Ok, what happened then?" I asked.

" I was saying that I think it's your wedding reception today." He said and I smiled.

" I do remember, Alan." I said.

" I don't think so." He said.

" And why is that?" I asked.

" What are you doing in office today, Theo? You will be late and my sister would be waiting for you. It's not good to make your bride waiting for you." He said.

" I still have 3 hours. I will go home and get ready. I won't be late. Don't worry." I said taking my jacket from the couch and wore it.

" You better not be late tonight." He said and both of us walked out of the office building. I drove towards my home. I reached my home.

I quickly got ready and walked out of my house. I drove towards the venue. It was 4 km from my house. It took 30 minutes for me to reach there. I wasn't late as Alan thought I will be. I was on time there.

I didn't enter but I called Naomi.. She was late. We both were supposed to walk in together. But she is not here till now.

Suddenly a car ran passed me. I was standing in dark so that no one can recognize me. I was waiting for her to come. The car stopped and the people came out of the car surprised me. I didn't think they will come today too. In my wedding day it was enough for me to get a shock. But they came today as well. Yes, I was talking about the Hill family. They were here. Cherry also came. I smiled. I don't know why it made me happy. I wanted this. I was thinking about that suddenly I found someone tapping on my shoulder.

" Why are you standing here?" I heard her voice. I smiled widely. I turned and hugged her tightly.

" I love you." I said.

" I love you too." She said and made me smile widely.

" Why are you too happy suddenly?" She asked me after breaking the hug and caressing my cheek.

" It's our reception today, shouldn't I be happy?" I asked.

" Why am I getting a feeling that there is something more?" She asked and I chuckled.

" When have you reached?" I asked.

" Just now and found you standing here." She said.

" How did you find me? I was in dark." I asked.

" I saw your car and came here." She said.

" Alright let's go inside then." I said and extended my hand toward her.

" Why were you standing here?" She asked me holding my hand.

" I was waiting for you." I told her.

" Here?" She asked.

" Yes." I said.

" But why?" She asked.

" I don't want these paparazzi assume something odd again. Already situation was hard to control. I don't want to make it more complicated. Let's go together and not let them get a chance to ask anything " I said and she smiled nodding her head.

" Let's go inside." She pulled my hand and I followed her smilingly. As we entered the venue the music changed into romantic songs. The whole crowd were looking at us and we walked in.

" Shall we?" I asked her.

" Sure." She tugged herself with me.

" Wow, very beautiful actually." She said looking at the whole decorations. I looked her carefully. She was wearing the dress I send her. She was looking stunning. I wasn't able to look away from her. She was just too beautiful. It was impossible for me to look away.

" You look beautiful." I whispered in her ear. She looked at me and smiled.

" You know currently I am looking around. I saw girls ogling you earlier." She said really looking around. I smiled looking at her.

" But I am only looking at you. I only am looking at you. Nothing is more beautiful than you." I said and she turned to me. She kept looking at me for a while. Then looked away.

" What happened, babe?" I asked pulling her towards me by her waist.

" How do you do this?" She asked.

" Do what?" I asked surprisingly.

" Calm me down always and capture my heart with your words?!" She asked.

" Because you love me blindly and that's why you don't find any flaws of mine." I said.

" Do you really have a flaw, Theo? You are just a perfect human being. I don't find any flaws. I will never ever be like you. You are a great person I have ever seen." She said and I smiled at her almost watering eyes. I pulled her in a hug.

" Ann will kill you, right? If you spoil the make up she has done with much afford?" I asked and she slapped playfully on my chest then hugged me back tightly. I heard people cheering for us. I just hold her tightly.

" I love you." She said slowly.

" I love you more, you know that?" I asked.

" Yeah." She said.

" I will always love you. Love never grows old." I said.

" Love is evergreen." She said. I smiled. I looked around and found her family. Everyone was smiling at us. I smiled back at them. I found cherry. She was smiling too. But her mom was in a straight face. I don't know if she was happy for me or not. Let's just assume she is happy. Who knows maybe she is!!! At least I can expect that.

So, this chapter is dedicated to

It's her birthday today. Happy birthday 😘😘😘😘😘

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