To Melbourne

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Naomi's POV

" Breathe, Naomi, Breathe." I was saying to myself. But I wasn't able to control myself. I was too scared.

I was praying that nothing happens to Stella. Stella was so close to me. I know we were far away from each other but Stella was like my sister.

" Please, God. Please, help her. Please, don't make her suffer more. She has already had enough of it. Please, help her. Please don't give her more pain. Please, let her live. Please, don't take her away. Please, God. Please, please, please." I prayed and wiped my tears.

I closed my eyes then opened my eyes looked at my phone. On the screen I saw the picture Theo and my hand intertwined. This was very hard situation for me. I want to cry an ocean. I was never that weak how I was feeling now. I never cried like this. I knew the word sister but I have understood the meaning now. It means something which you can't explain with your words. Sisters are blessings from heaven. Sisters are those who are so close to your heart and they will make you feel special. They will make you strong. They will hold your back. They will never let you down. Sisters are your strength. They will make you feel so happy when you are so sad.

Stella is that girl who always whines around like a jolly little kid. She always tries to cheer me up whenever I felt low and she came to know, she always has done something which makes me smile. She has never let anyone be sad around her but look at now. Today, she is suffering but I am not able to do anything. I am feeling failed person today. How I want to do something for her!!! How I want to reach her right now and hug her tightly!!! How I wish I could kill the bu*tard!!! I would have definitely killed him. I am not going to leave once I get my hands on him. I am not going to show him a bit of mercy. No, nothing will I do like this. I will directly shot him on his head. He doesn't have any right to live. He made my sister suffer now he will suffer. I swear. I will kill him with more painful way. I know what I should do once I get him. I was not going to be easy this time. You won't want to see the real Naomi. She is a merciless witch. I will not let him live this is the thing.

I was waiting for the jet to land and I want to reach Melbourne as soon as possible. I want to see Stella for once at first. I can't breathe now. But I can't help it. I have to wait. I can't do anything now but waiting. I was missing Theo. I miss him. I wanted him to come with me. But he didn't agreed. He said this is not a correct situation for revealing our relationship. We will tell everyone once Stella is fine. I was not going hide anymore. But I have to until Stella is good. I am tired. I want a normal life now. I want to settle down too. Just want to be in peace. Just want to be happy now. I don't know when I will be able to do it. I don't know when I will be able to do it. But very soon I want to do it. I was not going to suffer anymore. Enough of suffering. No more. I was thinking about it and I slept I don't know when.

Suddenly, I felt someone was tapping my shoulder. I opened my eyes and found Eddie.

" Eddie?!!" I said.

" Yes. Me. Let's go Nemo." He said.

" You are here? Everything fine, Eddie?" I asked him. I was in verge of crying.

" Hey!!! Hey!!! Nemo???!! You are crying?! Don't cry. Tears doesn't suit on you. Just relax. Everything is fine. Stella has come out of Coma but she is still unconscious. Doctor said she will be fine soon. Just you don't cry. You don't be sad. Hold on." Eddie said and I hugged him from side. He hugged me back.

" Everyone reached?" I asked.

" Yes. They have reached already." Eddie said. I nodded. I was silent. I didn't want to talk right now. Actually I wasn't in mood of talking now.

" Get in, Nemo." Eddie said and pointed to the car standing there. I nodded and I got in.

" Relax, Nemo. Everything will be fine." Eddie said sitting beside me.

" Are you fine yourself?" I asked Eddie. He looked at me then looked away.

" Just take a nap until we reach there. You will feel better." Eddie said and I nodded. I leaned back closing my eyes.

After a while the car stopped and I opened my eyes. I saw we are in Campbell house. I turned towards Eddie.

" I want to meet Stella first." I said.

" First you go and get freshen up. You need rest now. Go inside we will go to hospital after a while." Eddie said and I got down from the car and I went inside.

As I stepped inside I saw Ellie and Tracy there. I looked at them Tracy looked at me and ran to me. She hugged me tightly. I hugged her back. She was crying and I myself couldn't hold back my tears. I too burst into tears. I cried my heart out.

" Girls!!" I felt Ellie hugging us from back. I hugged her too.

" Ssssssshhh!!! My cuties. Stop now. Don't cry. She is fine now." Ellie said.

Ellie!!! How can you be so calm!! Stella and Ellie were most closed to each other. But I know she is holding back for us. If she breaks down then we will be totally messed.

I went to the guest room. I went to bathroom. I took a long shower to calm myself down. I was needed this. I just want everything settles down perfectly. That too soon. I just pray for that. Just for that. Only for that.

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