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Naomi's POV

I woke up from sleep. It was 7:00 AM. I slowly removed the duvet from me and started to think how to tell everyone what I have thought. I know they will freak out. But yes I am ready to tell them now.

I walked to my washroom and took a long soothing shower. It's my habit to take a shower before sleep and after waking up. I can't sleep if I don't take a shower. It's more like a need for me. I came out and choose my dress to wear today. It's Sunday today. No office. So, I choose some casual dress. I needed to go to Theo later. I put on my white shirt and black jeans. Then walked towards downstairs. And on the first step someone bumped into me. I knew who it is.

" Liam!!!!!" I gritted rubbing my shoulder. " Have you lost your eyes?" I glared.

" Sorry, Nemo." He said putting on a innocent face. I sighed. I can't be angry with this little one.

" It's ok, little one." I said.

" Little one??? Nemo, I am taller than you." He said and I sighed.

" Your brain is still hollow." I said to him.

" No ma'am. It's not. Ask Luke. Where is he!?" He looked around as he couldn't find his two.

" Lukey!! Lukey!!!" He shouted.

" Who is dying, stupid!!!" I heard Luke saying but he was still not in view.

" Come faster otherwise you are the one who is going to die." Liam said.

" Who is dying?" Luke asked and he hugged me from side. He is always the sweetest twin. More calm, quiet and polite while Liam is the jolly one. He is just a fun loving boy always loves adventure, his motto of life is never be serious always enjoy the life. This twins are different from each other.

" No one is dying. But still Nemo loves me more." Liam said. He is a whiny kid from the start

" Oh, really?" Luke asked.

" Yes, ask Nemo." Liam said.

" No need to ask. You know she loves me more not you." Luke said to irritate his twin.

" Stupid!!! She loves me the most." Liam said.

" No, me." Luke said.

" Me." Liam said.

" Me." Luke said.

" Me, me, me." Liam said.

" Stop you both. Stop fighting like girls." I said.

" Tell him that you love me the most." Liam said.

" I love you both equally." I said and sighed. Kids!!

We got downstairs and I found my mom, dad, uncle and aunty already seated there on the dining hall. We joined them. I sat beside my dad and Luke sat beside me. Liam sat between mom and aunty. My mom just loves Liam most among us three kids. He is the youngest and that's why everyone loves him more and he always emotionally blackmails us. He is still a baby never grown up. He is just adorable little kid of this family. But it's true both of the twins are protective brothers for me. Sometimes they act too mature that I feel confused if I am their elder sister. I sighed.

" Good morning, kids." My dad said.

" Good morning." We three said unison.

" Good morning, mom." I said.

" Good morning, Aunty, uncle." I said.

" What are you doing today?" My uncle asked us.

" Going to soccer practice, me and Lukey." Liam said raising one of his hand.

" I have some works." I said. " But before that I have something to tell you all." I said and sighed.

" We are all ears." My mom said pouring coffee on a cup and then gave it to my dad.

" Yes, I have no hurries as well." Aunty said.

" I umm.. I don't know how to start, from where to start but umm... Hell, urrrghh. I am damn nervous." I said.

" That serious?" My uncle asked.

" I don't know. I am nervous." I said.

" You are talking like you have committed any sin." My mom said looking at me.

" No, mom. Umm, I was saying umm... I think you all know about me and Theo. Umm, I was thinking about making things clear now." I said with so much difficulties.

" You are mature enough, Naomi. I don't think you will take any wrong step." Mom said.

" I mean, mom...umm...I have something to tell you all." I said and started to explain things.

" I know about Mrs. Hill." My mom said.

" You know??!!" I asked.

" Yes, I know. But I didn't know that she is Theo's Mom." My mom said.

" How do you know her?" I asked my mom.

" Come on, Nemo. How do you know Stella?? Cause, she is a famous model of your age. Like that she was a famous model of our age." Mom said.

" Oh, ok." I said. " But I hate her. How can she be like that??!!!" I said.

" Look Nemo, no mother can do such a thing to her child. There can be 2 reasons for Mrs. Hill to do these things. One if Theo is not her own son or two she is forced to do so leaving no other option." My mom said and I was terribly shocked.

" Theo looks closely alike with his dad, but his eyes? They are exactly like Mrs. Hill. Beautiful. He is her son. No doubt." I said.

" Alright, then there is some reason for her being so rude with Theo." Mom said. My dad was silently listening to us. He always does that. Talks too less.

" Which reason?" I asked.

" Now you have to find it out." My mom said.

" But, she said she will destroy Theo." I said worriedly.

" I don't think she will do so." My mom said.

" Mom, she is dangerous." I said.

" Then what do you want to do to stop her?" Mom asked.

" Mom, ummm... I uhhh... I want ... I want to marry... Want to marry him." I said and at once everyone turned towards me with widen eyes except my dad.

" What!!!" They said unison.

" Why are you so shocked!!! I told you guys before that I am serious with him." I said.

" Marry!!!? Now?? You are still too young." My uncle said.

" Young!!! I am the oldest of our clan among the girls after Ellie." I said. " Even Tasha, Bella, Stella 3 are married. They are also younger than me." I said.

" I know but still, it's too hard to let you go away from us." My uncle said. I sighed. I know he loves me a lot.

" I think I don't have a problem. Besides, they will live here in Milan not NYC." My aunty said. She is always at my side. I love her the most. My parents didn't say anything they just looked at each other for a while, then my mom nodded. Like she could understand which my dad didn't say aloud. She sighed.

" Ok, Nemo, tell Theo to have a dinner with us tonight." My mom said and I smiled at her.

Let's go and give Theo a surprise. He deserves one. After all we are getting married. It's obviously a surprise for him. Cause, he was not expecting this from me. But I am unpredictable what can I do with that!!!!

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