Chapter 45: What are we going to do without you

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Jin woke up confused. He didn't remember how he had gotten here, he didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place.

He attempted to move, and whined low in his throat when he realised he was stuck. He was laying on his back and could feel how cold and squishy the ground was beneath him. Droplets of rain were falling on him and he shivered.

Using all his strength, he forced himself to sit up.

The first thing he noticed was Jimin and Taehyung who were laying next to each other. Their hands were linked, and for a moment Jin thought they were awake. Upon further inspection however, he realised that both were out cold.

He turned and his mouth dropped open when he spotted Jungkook. The young alpha was unconscious, closer to the bottom of the hill and was nearly getting buried with the amount of mud still sliding down. He pulled his right foot out of the mud, then his left. Once both were free, he tried standing.

Even though he successfully stood up, both of his feet had sunken into the mud again. "J-Jungkook...." He mumbled as he stepped closer. He needed to get the alpha out of the mud.

When he was close enough, he reached and hooked his arms underneath Jungkook's, and pulled until Jungkook was freed. Jin was breathing heavily from the exertion of having to pull and carry Jungkook out from the mud, that it was beyond relief when he heard his mate in the distance.


He finished carrying Jungkook to a dry patch of grass, and went back for Taehyung and Jimin. "We're over here!" He yelled, as soon as he had successfully pulled Taehyung out.

He hooked his arms underneath Jimin, tugging him upwards so he could carry him to safety. As soon as he turned, he stopped in his tracks.

There was a silver wolf watching them.

The wolf had no scent, or if it did, it was barely there. The rain must've washed it away. He gulped when he realized the wolf was most likely an alpha. He was terrified. He could still hear Namjoon in the distance, and he took a step back. That was a mistake.

The wolf bared its teeth, and stood up to stalk closer to them. The wolf was walking closer to where Jungkook and Taehyung were, and he panicked.

"S-stay away from them!" He hissed, ignoring how terrified he currently was.

The alpha seemed surprised at the sudden outburst, and paused to look at him. Jin didn't miss how the alpha's eyes narrowed at him.

Before he had too much time to think about it, two more wolves appeared. They snarled at Jin and he held Jimin closer to his chest.

One of the wolves shifted, and Jin was scared at being near three strange wolves who were most likely alphas. "This was all for nothing, dammit! The bastard already claimed and bred him! Do you see the mark on his neck?" The alpha pointed furiously at Jin, who flinched at being addressed.

The other alpha shifted too. "So we lost out on one, so what? There's still two more." He motioned to Jimin and Taehyung.

"So what do we do about the alpha pup and the claimed omega?" The aggravated alpha asked.

"Leave them. If not, kill them. We just need to bring back those two." He eyed Jimin and Taehyung, and Jin's heart pounded in his chest.

Jin was trembling. He had a tight grip on Jimin and he kept glancing at Taehyung and Jungkook, desperately wondering where Namjoon was. The silver wolf remained silent, and was staring at Jin calculatingly.

"Well, if that's all, then let's hurry and head back."

The alpha walked over to Taehyung, and Jin didn't know what to do. He was still standing in the mud, his feet sinking a bit more with each minute that passed by. Jungkook and Taehyung were a few feet from him, and if he tried to rescue them, he could put Jimin and himself at even more of a risk. And he's pregnant....

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