Guests of the Government

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Jason lay back against the leather seat. The dull whine of the engine outside was giving him a headache, even with a pair of heavy-duty headphones on. His wrists were locked together by a pair of handcuffs, which Jason had no doubt he could easily break but he didn't, as despite his best instincts, he had to play the part of a cooperative prisoner.

He raised his head, sighing, tired of being cooped up in the tight space of the helicopter. Sitting across from him was a soldier, a burly looking man with most of his face hidden by a cap. He was chewing some gum, as he watched Jason. The Urban Spider noted the man's hand twitch ever so slightly, his fingers tightening around the pistol he held in it.

Jason smirked at the soldier, noting the irony of them being kept under armed guard when they had fought through a shit ton of heavily armed mercenaries, not to mention Incisor and Scream. "Easy there," He said over the drone of the helicopter. "Just moving about."

The soldier didn't answer. But he did relax, albeit not entirely. Jason eyed him for a moment before looking around. His friends lay about in the cockpit, most of them anyway.

James, Max, and Laureen were strewn about. James was currently sleeping, lying slumped against the helicopter window, a line of drool escaping from his lips as his handcuffed hands twitched occasionally. He had collapsed soon after they had been loaded onto the chopper, so Jason guessed it was past six thirty in the morning. Laureen sat in the seat behind him. She had taken off her leg brace and was massaging her bad leg. She looked exhausted, eyes sunken, hair a mess but she offered Jason a smile when she noticed him watching her. Jason smiled back, without any particular enthusiasm.

Finally, there was Max. He was lying on a cot at the very back of the chopper, strapped down. He was still unconscious, having not stirred since his transformation back from Tuatara. Two armed guards sat beside him, talking to each other, their pistols holstered.

Jason looked at Max. He hoped the guy was alright. He didn't know how the transformation from man to lizard exactly 'worked' but it had seemed different this time. Max's transformations in the past had almost been casual affairs. This one had looked...painful. He hoped Max was alright. Despite all his head-butting with him, he never wished harm on the guy...mostly. He hoped Max would wake up and soon.


He frowned and settled back into his seat. He'd like to move over to Laureen and chat with her, but he was confined to his seat. After they had been surrounded by the soldiers in Quincy, the five of them had been taken away. Audrey had been separated from them and it had taken every ounce of Jason's will not to go nuts on the soldiers but Laureen had calmed him down. Jason had lost sight of her as he had been shoved into a military helicopter. There had been little explanation given for why they were being arrested, beyond snarls and barks from their captors. Jason had assumed they blamed them for Quincy but any attempts to make conversation were either met with hostile silence or just grunts for him to 'shut up.'

Now, he didn't know what had happened to Audrey. He grimaced, unpleasant thoughts of her being treated...poorly flashing through his mind. What if a soldier with an itchy trigger finger shot her? What if she was dying, as she had suffered bad wounds and he doubted the military would help her? Hell, he bet they didn't know how to help her. He also didn't know what had happened to Hiroshi. He wondered if the kid had been left behind, abandoned and now was alone, with a broken rib, waiting for them to come back...

Jason gritted his teeth and bent down, placing his head on his knees. Again, it took every ounce of his will not to do something. Sitting here, under armed guard, was driving him nuts. He didn't know if his friends were okay. He didn't know what was going on now, in the aftermath of the battle. And most of all, he didn't know what the Skeleton Crew was up to. He should be out there, helping his friends or...or...stopping the Skeleton Crew! Stopping them before they struck again...

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman WarNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ