Airship Assault

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Jacqueline watched, shivering, as Alcatraz was annihilated before her eyes. Of course, she knew the raw power of the Inferno's coilgun but it had never been used in the field before. And now, before her eyes, it had just blown a small island to nothing. Because it was nothing. This entire city was nothing! It meant nothing to her and it could do nothing to stop her might!

The tables were turning back in her favor. Her raw power was on display again, her magnificent inventions showcasing it for the world to see. She let loose a wild, snarling laugh, turning her gaze to San Francisco below. Her laughter grew as she watched a volley of missiles slam into numerous buildings, blowing them apart. If only she could have seen the faces of the puny people inside...those wretched fools...they should consider it an honor to be squashed by her. Soon...oh so very soon...the metahumans would join them.

"It's the end father..." Jacqueline hissed, her grin growing broader. She tapped her fingers together. "The end for them. But the beginning of my rebirth. Oh, I hope you're prepared to witness it, father, in whatever Hell you're in!"

"Ma'am..." One of her technicians spoke up. Jacqueline turned to the man, who was leaning close to his computer terminal.

"What?" She barked, annoyed. The technician tapped the terminal and licked his lips before replying.

"We're detecting several objects coming toward us Ma'am," He flicked the screen again, his frown deepening. "And...we're getting radar interference. Like something is jamming our signal."

"Jamming?" Jacqueline narrowed her eyes. She looked out the window. Although one of her optics was smashed, the other still worked perfectly. "Zoom and magnify image," She growled. Her internal displays responded and her undamaged optic zoomed out the window. She caught a glimpse of several fighter jets roaring upwards toward the Inferno, flanking around...

She blinked. Her eyed widened. A sleek, advanced looking jet, one of its wings sparking from the damage she had caused to it. It was the metahuman's plane! The military jets were flanking around it and all of them were coming straight toward her.

She disabled the zoom feature and let out a hollow laugh. "Those fools..." She muttered to herself. "A frontal assault...idiots! They must have made a suicide pact if they think they can attack me head on!" She roared with laughter and pointed out the window.

"It's the metahumans!" She barked, her voice thundering across the bridge. "Target the jets around them! Stop firing on the city! Open on them with everything we have! Blow those freaks out of the sky!"

The technicians nodded and began yelling orders into their headsets. A grinding noise went through the airship, as the technicians swiveled its weapons toward the approaching targets. Jacqueline bit her lip, raising her hand and clenched it in furious anticipation. All too late, she remembered Akihiro and his desire to face the metahumans personally.

She turned, expecting him to have a violent reaction to her order. But Akihiro was gone. He had vanished entirely from the bridge. His absence seemed unnoticed, or perhaps ignored, by the Skeleton Crew as everyone focused on their own stations. Wormhole was strapping the helmet back on his head, grumbling to himself.

Jacqueline's eyes flicked about, scanning the room. But he was truly truly. She frowned, feeling uneasy by this. The clouds were coming back in her head, though, and she forced herself to dismiss thoughts of the mad artist. She was having trouble concentrating as it was.

So, she turned back to the window, remaining silent, gripping her fists tightly as she watched the airship open fire on the approaching squadron of jets.

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