Chapter 14.

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It had been several weeks now since the audition and I hadn't heard a thing! But I figured that no news and was good news so I kept it out of my mind as much as I possibly could.
That was easier said than done though, especially if any mention of films, plays, or acting came into a conversation, which living the life I lead was almost pretty damned impossible.

Beth, as predicted had now moved out and Marcus was still hanging onto the hope that Hugo was sorting out another play for him to star in, like he had promised. But at this moment in time, nothing was forthcoming.
So I had ended up paying all the bills and had, as suggested by Marcus, taken on yet more shifts at José's.
Also to make ends meet, I had  gone cap in hand to my parents and asked if they could help out financially, for just a little while at least, until we got ourselves sorted.

Of course I knew that my Father would not be happy about this whatsoever! He disapproved about me wishing to follow my dreams into the acting world and saw it as not really being a proper job.
My Mother, on the other hand wholeheartedly supported me both emotionally and now financially.
I promised to pay them back as soon as I possibly could but even I had little or no idea when that was going to be.

With Beth gone I had now moved into her old bedroom. I didn't have a bed though for she had taken hers with her to her new flat, which she shared with fellow actors from the theatre. She had also taken a bedside cabinet and a chest of drawers, so even though I now had my own room, I didn't have any furniture to put in it! Couldn't afford any either!

So I was sleeping on the cushions from off the sofa bed and each night would make a bed up from these. This was not ideal, made worse by the fact that the flat was freezing because we had turned off all the heating to try and save some money.

These were becoming desperate times now, for having a flat in the centre of London, like we had did not come cheap.
I was lucky enough to be able to eat at José's though, and very often he would also send me home with a dish of food for both me and Marcus to share.
He was good like that.
But I knew that we couldn't rely on handouts forever.
Something would have to be done to ease our current financial situation.
And it didn't look like Marcus had any intention in finding another job either.

Sitting on the steps of The National Gallery in Trafalgar square, I was now waiting for my friend Maya, whom I had gotten in touch with after my little spat with Marcus the other week.
If nothing else, he had made me feel incredibly guilty about not seeing her, and knowing how vulnerable she could be, I thought it was only right and proper that I got back in touch with her.
I liked Maya. She was smart and intelligent but also quiet and reserved. She didn't judge anyone and she was particularly loyal towards me.
I hugged at my knees tightly as I watched the crowds. I loved people watching. People were so interesting, going about their own day to day activities whether they were visiting the city, going to work or meeting a friend like I was.

Spotting Maya, I got to my feet and bounded towards her to give her a full on embrace. Maya was taken by surprise at my exuberance towards her and stepped back in surprise.

"Oh.......hello Gwen".    She said, cautiously.

"It's so good to see you". I beamed, realising that I was a bit too full on for this somewhat quiet soul, and swiftly withdrew my hug.

She, gently rubbed at my arm.

"You as well".  She smiled.

I looked at her and grinned in return.

"Shall we go for a coffee somewhere?".  I asked.

Maya looked down, shoving her hands deep into the pockets of her oversized parka jacket and it was then that I  noticed that she seemed to have lost quite a lot of weight. But before I could comment on it, Maya was now leaning herself towards me and was speaking so quietly I could hardly hear her.

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