Chapter 43.

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I stared hard at the face before me and my breathing suddenly became extremely laboured as fear enveloped the whole of my entire body.
I began to shake uncontrollably.
How could it be him?
What had happened to Alan?
How come it was Ashcroft Jennings that was sat there leering at me.

"No...... No.......This cannot be...... No.... ". I found myself choking, as the words seemed to be squeezing themselves out from the tightness of my throat.

This felt like I was experiencing some sort of out of body experience with no justification at all in what was happening and I felt terrified.

How had this happened?
Ashcroft Jennings is not an actor so what was he in fact doing sat on the end of this bed?
Had he just come to revisit my nightmare and to find pleasure in putting me through the torture of assaulting me yet again?
How could he do this to me?
What kind of a sick pervert was he?
And how had the entire film crew, including Alan, allowed it to even happen?

My head was becoming clouded and confused.
I felt as if I was about to faint as everything seemed to be closing in around me.
But not finished yet Ashcroft had now begun to lean himself closer towards me, across the bed. Quickly I gathered myself away from him, hugging tighter to my legs so that he couldn't reach me.

" Leave me alone". I now found myself yelling at him but still he came closer.

I felt that I had to stop him.
I had to distance myself away from him, but for some unknown, strange reason, I was finding it impossible to actually get off the damned bed!!
And still he came ever closer, leering at me with that sinister, strange smile spread across his face. He did not speak but he didn't have to, I knew what he wanted, what he desired from me and I was totally not going to give in to him.
I started to kick out at him with my legs with pent up fury.
He was not going to get the better of me this time, he was not going to degrade me again by his selfish actions. I was never going to allow it!
I filled my lungs up with a big breath of much needed air.

"Get away from me!". I then screamed at him as loudly as I possibly could.

And then there was darkness and a kind of deep silence that now seemed to surround me. Everything had become very still and very quiet and very black.
It lasted only a moment, until I heard the sound of a softly spoken female's voice filling my ears as a cloud of mist seemed to descend all around me.

"Gwen.... Darling...... Sweetheart, are you alright?". She spoke, quietly.

I couldn't really focus properly, but I could hear the babble of far off voices becoming clearer and clearer.
I blinked hard, trying to clear my eyes from the darkened mist as I could now feel the gentle, kind touch of soft, warm hands around my shoulder. The comfort and security of another woman's body next to mine. The scent of her perfume, the gentle touch of her fingers now wrapping around my own.
I turned to look at her and very suddenly everything became much, much clearer.

Rachel was now there, sat next to me on the bed.

"What........... What just happened?". I asked shakily, as I seemed to be coming to my senses.

"I think you were about to pass out". She said gently.

I looked at the end of the bed, still expecting to see Ashcroft sat there, but he had gone. I looked round hurriedly, wondering whereabouts he was.

"It's alright". Rachel soothed, now rubbing at my shoulders, as if sensing my plight, "We're going to stop filming for the day now. I think you've had more than enough".

The tall figure of a man had now joined us, standing beside the bed and I felt my stomach momentarily twist by his presence. It was a relief to see that it was in fact David McIntyre, but he did  not look very happy.

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