Chapter 49.

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After a few more minutes of signing autographs and having his picture taken, I could now see that Alan was ready to come over towards where I was standing. My heart skipped a zillion beats as he seemed to be looking right into my eyes as he strode his large, regal frame towards me.
The female security guard suddenly straightened in her stature but I could also see that she was somehow nervous and maybe just a tad intimidated by his approach.

Alan went to open his mouth to say something to me, but I was quite suddenly pushed aside by a flash of electric blue that came flying right beside me.

"Alan........ Darling...... How wonderful to see you". Came the shrill voice that accompanied the push and the shove and the flash of colour.

The female security guard immediately stretched out her arm to prevent the figure from actually reaching Alan and was therefore now in receipt of the most evil of glares.
But Alan was quick to nod his head in her direction confirming that it was alright for the approach of the electric blue, which in turn resulted in the security guard lowering her arm and so defusing a somewhat tense situation.
It didn't stop her though, from receiving a flick of a disgruntled head, as Marcia Penn Stroud pushed her way passed her.

"How are you...... Darling, its been simply ages". She went on, as she now planted a kiss each onto both of Alan's cheeks.

"Marcia! It's so lovely to see you. It's been far too long". Alan spoke gently, "How are you?".

She dismissively threw a hand up into the air and gave a roll of her eyes as she did it.

"Well..... You know..... Christian continues to do his own thing and seems quite happy with that. So I've been doing mine. It works I suppose. At least we don't fall out anymore". She answered, with a sigh.

Bryce, who was still stood beside me, now leaned over.

"You have to feel very sorry for her don't you". He whispered.

I turned to face him.
Sorry for her was not how I wanted to partially feel, in all honesty.

" She and Chris have been living practically separate lives for over a decade now". He said. "She's a very lonely woman".

I nodded my head in agreement. I had somehow figured that one out for myself. She was definitely in the Patricia Mae mold, but what I failed to understand was why on earth would you be with someone if you were not actually together? She must love this Christian bloke very much indeed or was so terribly insecure, that she wouldn't be able to function much without him!
I gave an inward sigh as I watched her interaction with Alan and grew somewhat insecure now myself.
Even though I realised that I didn't deserve to have any real hold on the movie star's affections, it still hurt me terribly when I heard him actually saying to her:

"We must do lunch sometime, have a proper old catch up".

"Oh, we simply must".  Marcia smiled.

She then placed a loving hand onto his arm, which in turn Alan then also put his own hand over the top of hers.

My mouth gaped open as I looked on at this interaction and I could also tell that I was being watched  by Bryce who now seemed to be staring at me. I swallowed hard.

"Alan's a very good and considerate friend".  Bryce spoke quietly,  "But of course you know that already don't you". 

I batted my heavily mascaraed eyes at the scene before me. Alan and this Marcia woman did seem to know one another particularly well and as they spoke it seemed as if they were oblivious to anything or anyone around them and that included me!
I felt a little bit nauseated by the fact that they certainly seemed to have a history but more so in the fact that dear, sweet Alan actually seemed to like this vile, abrupt woman and was engaging her with one heck of  a lot of conversation.
I continued to watch them together and could feel anger continuing to build up inside me. I didn't know why I felt so jealous like this, maybe it was because I had come to the conclusion now, that I didn't really know Alan at all or maybe because he didn't even seem to remember that I was actually even here!

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