Chapter 33.

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I rolled over in the unfamiliar bed and fluttered open my eyelids. The room was small and had a faint smell of lavender within the confines of its walls.
For a moment, I wondered where I was.
I stared at my surroundings, the chintzy curtains and the flower patterned wallpaper were not to my taste, but were somewhat comforting to me. It was as if the room had been decorated with a certain amount of love and it felt very homely.
As I turned over, I was suddenly reminded of the events of last night, quickly followed by the reason why my body felt so sore and achy.
I tentatively touched at my left arm and winced.

"I think you ought get that seen to".  A voice spoke.

I sat up quickly, forgetting the pain I was in for a second, as I  realised I was not alone!
I widened my eyes to see Sarah, my sister sat there on the edge of the bed,  staring at me.

"There's a cup of tea for you". She nodded towards the bedside cabinet.

I looked over at the steaming cuppa beside me and went to attempt a stretch, but I simply ached so much all over, I decided to suppress the need.

"This bed is not very comfortable". I smiled, wearily.

"Is it not?". She asked, "Well it was comfortable enough for you to get nearly 12 hours sleep in last night!".

"12 hours?". I gasped, staring wide-eyed at her.

"Very nearly. It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon". She confirmed. 

"Oh my! I didn't realise that". I said, as I lifted myself upright and once again winced with the pain.

Sarah studied my left arm.

"I think that's a sprain you know". She nodded towards it, "At the very least it's very badly bruised. "

I looked down at it and rubbed it lightly, remembering how Ashcroft had attacked me and had held my arm so severely up behind my back before lying, with the whole of his bodyweight, on top of it. Little wonder it hurt so damned much!
I bit at my bottom lip.
I hated to remind myself of last night. It was just too horrible.

I took the cup to my lips and gently sipped at the hot tea. It was the best thing ever and I smiled at my sister in thanks for the gesture, before suddenly noticing that she was holding something on her lap.
I recognised it immediately.
It was the script.

"Oh... I've see you found it then". I nodded, presuming that she was just returning it to me, "Just stick it on the side there, I won't be needing it again but it's a nice keepsake anyway to remind me of what could have been".

Sarah looked up horrified.

"What could have been?" She asked.

"It's a film script". I sighed, taking another sip of tea.

"I know what it is Gwen".   She answered indignantly,  "But what do you mean, what could have been, aren't you doing it then? Didn't you get the part ? I thought Mum had said you did". She asked, suddenly opening it up and and flicking through its pages.

I began to laugh.

"Oh yes, I got the part alright, I've been working on it for the last couple of weeks". I grinned, taking the cup to my lips once more.

"So why aren't you doing it?". She asked, still flicking through the pages.

I gave a deep sigh.
"Things got a bit......... Well complicated". I said.

Sarah looked up at me then nodded, knowingly.

"Oh, I see..... With the............ ". She nodded her head towards me, then said, " Well all I can say is, that it's a damn shame, because it really is rather good".

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