Chapter 41.

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I now sat there, on the very edge of that luxurious four poster bed and breathed in deeply.
I knew what was coming next.
I had read the script.
I had to be in character. I had to be Christina Greebe. Fully experienced now, in the art of seduction and actual love making and not shy, fumbling, inexperienced Gwen Stevens, who got so tongue tied and red faced that she had no idea what to do with a man.
In the actual film, by the time of this four poster bed scene, Christina had made love to Jonathan Saunders on numerous of occasions and had gained copious amount of sexual experience from him.
She knew what turned him on, how to caress him, what he liked and how to get the very best from him.
He also knew all about her and what she desired from him. It had definitely developed into a two way relationship and they definitely knew how to please one another.
But I did feel as if I'd been thrown into the deep end with all of this though!
Why couldn't we do the scenes first, where Christina was shy and nieve and had never been to bed with a guy before. Playing the consummate virgin would be so easy for me to do. No acting would actually be required!
To be honest, that is what I had believed got me the part in this film in the first place. The fact that I was so nieve and inexperienced.
But having to do everything so out of synch, was truly terrifying. It would never happen in the theatre like this!
In the theatre you tell the story right from the beginning to the very end.

But now I had to really draw on my acting prowess by pretending that I knew exactly what I wanted from this man, when really I had absolutely no idea what I wanted myself! I suppose that Alan already knew how to seduce a nieve, young virgin, having played the part a few times already.
He had most likely even done it in real life too, according to Patricia Mae!

I glanced over at her again, still sat there on the chair, long legs crossed over one another and out to the one side. But I could not  see any expression on her face, for she had become silhouetted by the bright studio lights that shone brightly onto me.
I was kind of greatful of them really, although I was aware that she was now able to see me much more clearly.

I took in a breath as my thoughts unexpectedly went back now towards Alan as I thought about him actually making love.
So expertly, so considerately. So passionately.
I shook my head to rid myself of these images I now had of him and whilst I was also fully aware of Alan standing right there beside me, I just had to try and ignore my absolute yearnings for him as well as the information I had just been made aware of by Rachel.
This was going to be so much harder now than I had ever anticipated, but I had to try and play this as professionally as I possibly could.

Getting into the character of Christina Greebe wasn't really that difficult, for I liked her fun, vibarant and very sexy personality. She wasn't such a clutz as I was either. Christina was smart, intellegent and was great to be around. It was little wonder that someone who was as high powered and succesful as Jonathan Saunders undoubtedly was, had fallen so deeply and passionately in love with her.

She wasn't governed by money or the riches of succses, power and wealth, which was sadly bringing about the demise of her father's extremely rocky business.
Christina had been witnessing for herself the damage that striving for such perfection had brought about and it certainly was not her intention whatsoever to fall in love with her Father's one time best friend and now staunches rival.

The story of Christina and Jonathan's relationship was a complex and ultimatley a disasterous one and one in which required a lot of sexual interaction between the two of them that helped to propel the story to it's heartbreaking and tragic conclusion.

So I knew that this was an important part of the storyline and I was determind to do my very best for it.

"Ok ready now". Bellowed out David McIntyre from the confines of his directors chair.

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