Chapter 25.

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My head pounded so loudly, Oh Lord was it pounding and I also felt sick.
Very sick.
Just how much had I had to drink last night? And what on earth time did I eventually get to bed?
It had all been a bit of a blur in the end, but surprisingly enough, I was up in plenty of time for my lift into the studio's.
I had though, by passed breakfast and my traditional cup of tea in favour of my toothbrush. This was so that I was able to try and take away the furred up, sand papery feeling inside my mouth.

I squinted at the display clock in the car and thought to myself that it hadn't been long since I had been in the back seat of another car bringing me home!
I sighed, thought so, 3 hours to be precise and in that time I had also slept.
So how much sleep had I had? Not much.
I had to remind myself not to go out drinking with a broken hearted Amelia again!

I now clambered, very unsteadily out of the car and rather than making my way to the sanctuary of my trailer, I decided that I would instead go to the portable canteen and get a cup of tea.
Two cups..........and a large glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
That should do it I thought, as I carefully carried the tray towards a secluded table in the corner. I didn't really want to draw attention to myself as I was more than aware of my disheveled and rather unruly appearance.
I sat down at the table, that had a lovely white linen cloth draped over it, an assortment of freshly baked bread in a small wicker basket and was already laid out with cutlery and a cloth like napkin if you wanted to partake in a breakfast.

Needless to say, I felt it was best to decline this offer and instead I took a sip of my tea. It was both soothing and warming on this cool, crisp of days and I wrapped a hand around the cup for comfort.

The portable canteen was practically empty at this hour in the morning, which was a blessed relief. Sometimes it can be a hive of frantic activity with no where to even sit down. Looking about me now, all I could see were a couple of technical operators and a sound engineer leaning over a daily newspaper. They probably didn't even notice me, which I was quite grateful for.
I took another sip of the warming tea and absentmindedly pulled a hand through my hair, only to feel the rough, sticking up mess that last night had bounced and shone so beautifully. Quickly I produced a brightly coloured pink hair band from my jacket pocket and proceeded to hurriedly and also quite roughly, gather up the unruly mess and tie it up in an untidy bun to keep it from off my face.
I was also quite concerned about the apperance of my face which I knew without even the help of a mirror that it would be a complete mess with partly removed make up that I had tried in vain to get rid of last night, to go and totally forget about this morning. Well, anyway nothing I could do about it now. I would just have to wait for the make up department to work they're magic and turn me back into the sophisticated Christina Greebe once again.

Finishing off my first warming cup of tea, I now took a sip of the orange juice and pulled a face at its sudden sharpness on my tongue but now thought however, it was about time I took a paracetamol to ease the throbbing inside my head.
I reached for my handbag and continued to search within to see if there were any, even just the one.
I was so distracted by my fumblings that I had failed to notice that a figure had now taken the seat opposite me, until I heard a voice speaking:

"My oh the mighty have fallen".

I looked up, surprised to see that someone was actually sat there in front of me but was not surprised at the sarcastic tone in which she spoke.

"Morning Maddie". I sighed, wearily.

As I noticed that my nemesis had in front of her, a mug of milky looking coffee and a croissant overhanging a small paper plate.

" You look an absolute wreck darling, if you don't mind me saying so". She grinned, as she bit into the flaky pastry.

"Thanks". I sighed, closing my bag in disappointment as I was unable to find even just one lone pain killer.

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