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Millies POV:

We finished up our food and decided to leave. We were walking down the long road cracking up jokes along the way. Our first stop was Noah's cabin.

"I'll miss you guys so much" he lightly smiled.

"We'll miss you too" finn smiled.

"Message me every day" I grinned. We all went in for a group hug and we stayed there for a few minutes. In that moment my whole world stopped, and I felt happier than ever. Even though Noah was leaving that hug meant everything. It was the sign that told me this was my new family and that this was forever. It was stupid I know, I had only met gaten Noah and Caleb the day before but, when we were talking it was just pure happiness. Noah was hilarious and was so kind and caring, I didn't want to see him go. But he had to. A tear trickled down my cheek and at first I didn't notice, until Noah pointed it out.

"Millie are you ok?" He asked. I sniffled.

"I-I'll be fine" I tried to smile, it hardly came out.

"Millie we can talk all the time ok please don't cry" Noah smiled. "And I'm coming out to shoot some scenes too so I am coming back" he smiled again.

"Mills don't cry" finn smirked. I could tell he wanted too as well.

"We're one big family already" gaten chuckled.

"And will always be" finn added.

"This is going to be one hell of a show" Caleb pointed out.

"Very true" I laughed.

"I'm so happy we're good friends already" finn smiled.

"Me too" we all said in response.

"Well I should go" Noah tried to smile, we all gave him one more hug and waved before he entered his cabin.

"It sucks that he has to leave" I sighed.

"He's coming back millie" finn chuckled.

"Yeah but I don't know it won't be the same" I sighed.

"I know what you mean" gaten said quietly.

"Well we can message him every day. Ok?" Caleb tried smiling.

"Yeah" I said as we carried on walking. I started to walk further ahead from them, I turned around "I'm going to find somewhere quiet to think for awhile" I gave a light smile. Finn looked confused as Caleb and gaten just nodded. I soon found a bench near a cliff top looking over this small town. I sat down and sighed.

"This is going to be amazing" I smiled to myself.

"Yes it is" I heard behind me, I turned around and there stood finn with a smile on his face. He approached me and sat next to me.

"I'm happy we're ok now" he lightly smiled.

"Me too" I replied. "Why did you come after me?" I asked.

"Because I care" He chuckled lightly. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. We spoke about random things. Before my eyelids became heavy and I drifted off too sleep.


I'm doing a time skip soon so I'm telling you now so it isn't so unexpected 😂 also sorry it's short and pointless

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