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Millie's POV:

I get a text from him

Finn 💓- what's wrong?

You - my phone is spazzing I'm so sorry :) send pics of her? Or give me her Instagram @ I wanna know who she is hehehhhh

Finn 💓- it's this girl I've been talking to recently her name's iris

You- iris APATOW?

Finn 💓- yeah! Do you know her?

Oh my fucking god. Me and iris have HATED each other, she's been a total bitch with me since she's become famous and I am not fucking happy, is she doing this to hurt me? On purpose? I mean yeah what I did was messed up but seriously? My best friend?

You - yes but you can't date her I'm sorry Finn

Finn 💓- why?

You - we aren't friends. She's a bitch and she hates me. I'm your best friend finn

Finn 💓- so I can't date a girl because you don't like her?

You - no it's just that, you're my best friend and shouldn't you think about what would happen if she was your girlfriend? And plus she lives in Florida.

Finn 💓- 1: I bet you're being dramatic she would never hate anyone! She's amazing Millie I know her.
2: she lives in California

You better be fucking kidding me

You - dramatic? What the fuck Finn and you don't know her. IM the one who was friends with her. ME. Not you and why didn't you tell me you were talking to her? What happened to us not keeping secrets from each other?

Finn 💓- I don't have to tell you everything and maybe you are millie. And you were friends with her. You knew her before, not now.

You - whatever Finn. Shows how much you really care about me.

Finn 💓- actually millie, it shows how much you care for me. If you actually cared you'd want me to be happy.

You - yeah well now I'm starting to think that maybe I did care too much.

Finn 💓 - that's you caring too much? Wow

You - 🙄

Finn 💓 - I did it. She's my girlfriend. Oops

You - oh my fucking god finn YOU JUST DONT FUCKING GET IT WHAT THE FUCK

And that's when I go over to the block button

Are you sure you want to block 'Finn 💓 ?'

       Yes.                                  No

I press yes, and then I fall to the ground crying my eyes out. He told me he liked me and I pushed him away, I left it too late and it's all my fault. I've lost him. I check my contact list and see if I've still got iris' number. I do, great.

You - seriously? Finn?

Iris - what


Iris - I'm doing what I promised, ruining your life :)

You - I can easily show him these messages asshat

Iris - and I can easily tell my boyfriend what you did to me

You - you wouldn't

Iris - oh but I would

You - did I ever tell you how much I fucking hate you?

Iris - yeah when you made the stupidest decision of your life. Hush money's all gone now Mills, I can't keep my mouth shut for much longer! Unless you give me more :)

You - iris please he hates me enough as it is. I've said sorry so many times. Please

Iris - yeah well sorry doesn't quite cut it honey


Iris - pay for what you did. That's what I'm doing, making you pay.

You - fuck You

Iris - I'd rather not let you do that, thanks


iris - you're the one who messaged me asshole

You - iris I'm going to make sure you pay for what you're doing to me right now

Iris - millie you started this war,  I'm finishing it

You - oh trust me, the only thing you're finishing is your own reputation.

Iris - millie watch out. I'm going to tear your life apart. Piece by piece. Your dads already dead so I mean there's nothing I can do with him.

You - I fucking swear to god if you hurt anyone

iris - you'll what? Call me out? Won't work hun I'm the famous one!

I turn my phone off and gasp for air, everything is blurry. I'm dizzy and I don't know what to do, I can't stop crying. I can't stop crying until everything goes black and I drop to the floor.


Sorry I don't upload regularly:/

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