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*next day*

Finns POV:

Am I excited? Yes. Am I nervous? Obviously. Everyone came over to my cabin and we watched a couple of movies last night, but me and Millie didn't really talk. I lay staring at my ceiling before hearing my mom walk in.

"Take these!" She says throwing me two packets of tic-tacs. I laugh.

"Wow thanks mom" I smirk. She chuckled before closing my door. I put on some random clothes before leaving my cabin, millie had already left this morning for some scenes so I was alone, or at least I thought. After a few minutes of walking I hear distant screams from behind me. Confused, I turn around. I then see Caleb, gaten and Noah running towards me.

"Finn!" Noah shouts. They all stop next to me, obviously out of breath as I laugh.

"Sooooo" Caleb smirks.

"What?"' I say confused.

"The kiss!" Gaten says excitedly.

"What about it?" I blush.

"You excited?" Noah asks.

"What? No! Gross." I lie. I'm excited, very. I know she's my best friend, but I think I might have feelings for her, but I guess I'll see how I feel after the kiss. I just don't want things to become awkward between us.

"Mhmmm" Caleb nudges me. I roll my eyes. We reach set and my eyes meet Millie's, surprisingly she decides to run over to me.

"Finn! Hi'" she smiles.

"Hey!" I smile back before remembering about the tic-tacs "catch!" I shout before throwing them.

"Wow thanks!" She says sarcastically tilting her head back and pouring them into her mouth.

"Matt and Ross are coming" I announce.

"Hey guys ready for the kiss?" Ross teases. I laugh at him.

"Come on mike head over to the costume trailer." Matt chuckles

"My name's Finn." I sigh.

"I know but, you know. Mike and eleven?" Matt replies.

"Mileven" millie announces.

"Yeah that!" He says excitedly. Me and Millie look at each other before laughing.

"Ok I'm going to the costume trailer I'll see you in a bit Mills!" I wave before heading over to the trailer.

Millie's POV:

I run over to Winona who's sitting in her seat.

"Noni I have no idea what I'm doing." I say now getting nervous.

"With what honey?" She replies sincerely.

"Uhhh the uh t-the kiss." I say blushing.

"Oh my-millie. You don't...like him? Do you?" She says smirking.

"What?! No! Ew! Gross." I over exaggerate.

"Ok Ok whatever you say!" She chuckles. "Just go along with it, it doesn't matter what happens Ok? Because at the end of the day it's your job. Just try to make it believable." She smiles.

"Thanks noni." I smile back. I take a deep breath before walking over to set where the duffer brothers and Shawn levy are sitting. They look over to me and smile.

"Hi Millie!" Shawn grins.

"Don't talk about it" I say before sitting in the seat on set.

"You know what you have to do right? You remember all of your line-" Matt starts.

"Yes!" I reply. I then see finn walk through the door and my stomach starts turning. Oh fuck. He doesn't say anything until he sits down.

"So, ready?" He asks.

"Yes." I smile. No I'm not.

"Ok and....ACTION!" Shawn shouts.

(I'm starting from here because the scene is quite long.)

"I was thinking we could maybe, I don't know....go to the snowball...together" he says.

"Snowball?" I question.

"It's this cheesy school dance where you go in the gym and dance to music and stuff. I've never been but I know you're not supposed to go with your sister" he says disgusted.

"No?" I question.

"I mean, you can but it'd be really weird. You go to school dances with someone that you know.....someone that you...like" he stutters.

"A friend?" I question, again.

"Not a friend a, uh, someone like uh..." he says looking down. This is it, Finn Wolfhard is really about to kiss me oh my god. He leans in and presses his lips against mine, and I hate to admit, I enjoyed it. I think I know how I feel. He pulls away and I know I have to act shocked, but that was my genuine reaction anyway.

Finns POV:

"OK CUT!" Shawn shouts, I then realise that Noah, gaten and Caleb were watching the whole time, great. But man, that was amazing. I can't believe I just did that. I mean, it wasn't my first kiss, but I loved it. I think I know how I feel, but I don't know what to do because deep down I know she doesn't feel the same, and she never will.

"Dude!" Gaten says getting excited.

"Don't talk about it!" Millie chuckles.

"Why not!? You two just kissed in front of us!" Caleb smiles.

"For a show because it's our job.....that bit is important." I chuckle.

"Guys that was perfect! There's no need to shoot it again, the first reaction is always the best!" Shawn smiles whilst approaching us. I make eye contact with Millie and I just stare, a smile creeping upon her lips.

"Uhhh guys?" Noah says putting his hand in my face.

"Yeah?" I reply. They all look at each other and laugh leaving me and Millie confused.


Sorry I've been gone! I don't update this story often oh my god 🤦🏼‍♀️ I'm so sorry 😂❤️

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