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Millie's POV: (later that evening in her cabin)

"Avaaaaa!" I grinned as she ran up to me and hugged me.

"Hi mum!" I smiled.

"How was filming?" She asked.

"It was alright, I had two lines!" I sarcastically laughed. My mum chuckled walking into the kitchen.

"Mum can you take me to the park?" Ava whined.

"Ava I can't I've got things to do" mum replied.

"I'll take her!" I smiled.

"You sure?" She raised one eyebrow.

"Yayyyyyy!" Ava screamed running around the sofa. I facepalmed and chuckled. I got changed into some leggings and a hoodie and put Ava's shoes on her. I wore my black and white converse. Ava put her coat on and we waved goodbye to our mum.

"Bye!" Ava exclaimed.

"Bye mum!" I waved.

"Be home by 7!" She chuckled as we left. We walked down a path for a few minutes before the park came into view, Ava cheered.

"I'm so excited millie!" She exclaimed pulling on my arm.

"Yes okay Ava" I chuckled. I could hear something around the corner we had just walked passed. My breath hitched as I began to remember what finn had told me about that man. What if it's him? I thought.

"Ava. Walk quickly ok?" I whispered.

"Why?" She asked.

"Just. Do it" I whispered back. She nodded slowly. I felt a hand press on my shoulder and I heard a scream behind me. I screamed , picked up Ava and began to run as my heart was beating out of my chest, and that's when I realised it was just finn. I put Ava down lightly.

"FINN! WHY DID YOU DO THAT! YOU JUST SCARED THE BLOODY LIFE OUT OF ME!" I shouted as Ava just stood staring at finn who was laughing his head off.

"I-i'm sorry" he could hardly breathe. "Your scream is so british" he laughed again.

"Millie? Who. Is that?" Ava said sassily pointing to finn. My heart rate finally calmed down so I began to explain.

"It's finn Ava" I explained.

"The one from the phone?" She asked.

"Yes" I chuckled.

"FINN!" She shouted as she ran up to him. Ava liked finn, a lot. She said that he was funny and the best boyfriend to me (even though he isn't my boyfriend). It's rare that she likes people as much as she likes finn and I was happy about it. She jumped on him and hugged him tight, he picked her up and spun her around. She giggled as he did so. It was an adorable sight if I'm being honest, I stood smiling at the two.

"How did you even know we were here?" I asked as he put Ava down.

"Uhhh your sisters loud voice is pretty distinctive" he chuckled "I was walking nearby to get some fresh air and I heard you so I decided to scare you" he smiled. "Where are you even going?" He asked.

"The park!" Ava exclaimed.

"Do you wanna come with?" I offered.

"Sure" he shrugged.

"I want to hold Finns hand and then Millie you have to hold Finns hand." Ava explained.

"Why don't you just go in the middle?" I laughed.

"Because ok? Just listen. Hold his hand" she explained. I chuckled and grabbed Finns hand. We looked at each other and rolled our eyes as we giggled. From there, me finn and Ava walked to the park holding hands. As soon as we reached the gate Ava ran in and made her way to the swing set.

"Millie , Finn push me!" She shouted , I placed her in the swing and I pushed her from the front as Finn stood pushing from behind. She giggled every time we pushed her which caused us to laugh. In those few minutes everything seemed like it was moving in slow motion, I didn't know what it was but whenever I had happy moments everything seemed to move slowly, and I loved it.

"Can I go on the slide now?" Ava asked.

"Sure!" Finn said stopping the swing and picking her up. He placed her lightly on the ground and she soon ran over to the slide shouting "watch me!" Every time she slid down. Me and Finn sat on a nearby bench.

"I'm surprised there's nobody else here." Finn smiled.

"I know it's so empty" I replied.

"Have you been on the group chat at all recently?" He asked.

"No...why...?" I said slowly raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah...don't scroll up. Because of us falling asleep on the rock today they've gone a bit , fillie mad" he chuckled.

"I forgot to un-mute it from the other day" I laughed. "Oh well let them believe what they want as long as we know it's not real it'll be fine" I smiled.

"True" he shrugged.

"Watch me!" Ava shouted, she slid down the slide but slid off of the edge and landed on her butt on the ground. She instantly started to cry and wanted to go home. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Come on then" I smiled.

"Thank you millie" she smiled through her tears.

"You coming?" I asked finn.

"Yup" he said getting up. We started to walk but Ava soon stopped us.

"Um?" She managed to sassily day through her tears that I'm pretty sure were fake.

"Yes miss Ava?" Finn questioned.

"Hands." She raised her eyebrows. We sighed and held hands the way we did on the way there, we talked and giggled the whole way home walking together, holding hands. They made me happy. Ava and Finn were all I needed, at least that's what I thought.


Heyyyy idk what to put here so I'm just going to say that we nearly have 1K reads which is really weird because I didn't know that anyone actually read this but I guess they do so! Yeah that's cool I guess..? Thank you ❤️ idk if I should apologise or thank you because if you've read this far then I should probably apologise but idk

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