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A/n - the time skip is here!! Also, I'm changing it to present tense because it's easier than writing in past tense! <3

*6 months later*

Millie's POV:

It's the last week of filming, Noah's here for the whole week which is amazing, we have grown close, and so have the whole cast. I have developed some sort of feelings for Finn during these 6 months, but which feelings, I'm not quite sure of. And tomorrow is the day mike kisses eleven, the day I kiss Finn. So I guess I'll see how I feel after the kiss, maybe that will help me decide.

"Millieeee" I hear Noah call from outside of my window. I chuckle and get up from my bed. He waves as I open the window.

"What schnipper?" I ask.

"You coming?" He asks raising his eyebrow. Oh shit. We're going to the cinema.

"Oh my god yeah I'll be out now!" I say closing the window quickly and putting some shoes on, I already have clothes on so I don't need to change.

"Mum please could I have some money to go to the cinema with the boys?" I ask smiling. She chuckles and hands me $40 which is a lot, for the cinema. "Mum that's a bit much." I chuckle.

"Oh trust me mills. It's not" she smiles. Suspicious. I leave the cabin and bump into Finn on the way out.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry-OH FINN" I say realising it's just finn. He laughs at my actions.

"It's fine." He smiles. We walk out together, soon greeted by gaten, Caleb and Noah.

"Hey guys!" I smile hugging them all.

"What so no hug for me? I get a bump? Hmm?" Finn says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and embrace him. His embrace is so comforting. Just like that sleepover. Yes I still remember that sleepover, and I smile at the thought of it. He was asleep, I know. But still, it was great.

"What time is the movie?" I ask.

"We have half an hour until it starts." Noah grins uncontrollably. We start walking, but I realise we aren't walking towards the cinema.

"Guys what's happening...?" I ask, confused as ever. They don't reply, but my question is soon answered by fair coming into view after around 15 minutes of walking. Silent. Walking. Imagine how awkward it is. Wait let me just answer it for you- IT'S VERY AWKWARD. I squeal at the sight of the fair, they know I love the fair. This. Is. Going. To. Be. AMAZING.

"OH MY GOD GUYS!" I scream out of excitement. I jump up and down. "YOU GUYS ARE SO SNEAKY!" I shout whilst yes, still jumping up and down. I run over to the entrance with the boys and we pay to get in. This is going to be so fun oh my god.

"What do you want to do first?" Noah asks.


"Mills calm down." Finn chuckles, Mills. That. Nickname.

"I'm sorry I just. I love the fair." I say smiling.

"Yeah we can tell" gaten laughs.

"So millie you pick. What are we going on first?" Caleb asks.

"Let's doooooo....hmm. The bumper cars! I'm going to beat you all!" I say evilly laughing. The boys stand there and laugh to themselves as they follow the hyperactive child (yes me) over to the bumper cars. I pay and jump in a cart.

"OI FINN!" I shout realising it's a two seater.

"Hm?" He questions.

"Jump in!" I smile. He rolls his eyes and gets into the cart.

"Ok, So. Do you know what you're doing?" He asks.

"Nope" I say starting to drive, not knowing where I'm going, and soon enough our cart was bumping into everyone else's.

"MILLIE!" Finn shouts looking genuinely terrified. I chuckle and barge into Noah's cart causing him to scream.


"DRIVE MILLS. DRIVE!" Finn laughs.

"MCLAUGHLIN WE'RE COMING!" I shout before barging into caleb's cart. He then chases us around until he finally hits us causing us to both scream and then burst into a fit of laughter.

"Ok kids time's up!" We hear the operator say causing me to sigh. We jump off of the cart and leave the bumper cars.

"So what next?" I ask.

"Waltzers?" Gaten says getting excited.

"OH MY GOD YES!" I say running towards the big bumpy ride.

"What-?" Finn laughs.

"oh great" Noah gulps. He hates big rides.

"Come on schnipper!" I chuckle.

"Come on Noah!" Caleb laughs.

"Urgh Ok." He complains. He gets on and we're soon thrown around, continuously laughing at Noah wanting to puke. We're spinning uncontrollably and it's causing all of us to giggle.

"AHHHH" finn screams almost falling from his seat, I'm now in tears and I can't feel my insides. I've never laughed this hard in my entire life. A few rides, loads of candy floss and multiple bears later we decide to leave the fair.

"Oh my god that was amazing." I smile.

"It really was" gaten chuckled.

"You guys are so sneaky" I childishly grinned. We begin walking back and thank god it's not awkward, yet.

"So, millie." Noah randomly says.

"Hm?" I say in response.

"Excited for the kiss tomorrow?" He asks. I roll my eyes and blush.

"Why would I be excited?" I ask rolling my eyes, I know why I'd be.

"Finn? What about you?" Noah asks Finn.

"Uhhhhh. I mean I'm not excited but I'm not dreading it" he shrugs, I laugh awkwardly. And then, yes. It was awkward. The whole. Way. Home. We eventually reach me and Finns cabin and I smile at the rest of the kids before walking away.

"Text the groupchat so we can plan something for later!" Caleb shouts to the both of us.

"Okay!" Me and Finn shout at the same time. We still haven't spoken. We approach my front door and I hear him clear his throat.

"Millie?" He asks.

"Yes finn?" I reply.

"Are you?" He asks with his head down low.

"Am I what?" I ask confused.

"Excited?" He adds. I chuckle, ruffle his hair and walk into my cabin. Yes, yes I was. But he can't know that, not yet.


Hi I'm sorry I changed tenses, I find it easier to write like this.

Even though it may take some time if you want me to rewrite this in past tense and carry on in past tense instead please let me know! I want what's best for you guys! ❤️

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